Happiness is a choice!!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by iceman40, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. iceman40

    iceman40 Fapstronaut

    I just wanted to take a few moments to talk about people who are happy and those who are negative and depressed.
    Through my years I have met a lot of people from all sorts of backgrounds. Some poor, rich, sexy, fat, and ugly. But makes these people decide whether to be happy? It's choice. They choose to be happy and they focus on happiness.
    No amount of money, stuff, sex, or any other external factor affects happiness in the long run.
    I remember having a new girl, brand new car, or another exciting vacation, I was very happy. But it did not last long and needed more stuff.
    After years of chasing the happiness stuff, I have realized that happiness is within us and it's our choice to be happy.

    I'm in the health field and see lots of patients. Some are happy and truly enjoy life. They talk about their wonderful life with energy and passion that you would not believe. The depressed and unhappy patients see life full of danger, hate, and have very little nice things to say. In my mind I think how terrible it would be to them.

    Happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy.
    sac0814, WarriorScarr and iHappy like this.
  2. iHappy

    iHappy Guest

    The moment you learn you do not need material possession in order to feel happy is when everything in your life changes.I realized that thanks to meditation and studying about Buddhism.

    I have plenty of reasons to be unhappy, probably more than 90% of the people on this forum ( mainly because of agoraphobia ) but I am not. I am feeling good and enjoy life as much as I can. Never lost hope, I know for sure that I will recover sooner or later and achieve all mine dreams.

    There is absolutely no reason to worry about anything, worrying won't do you any good.

    Have a nice day, I know I will :)
    Panja and WarriorScarr like this.
  3. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    Yes, yes, yes! Until I gaining this insight, I felt like I was spinning my wheels with everything in my life, staying in neutral (or going backwards) and not getting anywhere. Just like happiness is a choice, so is being negative and miserable. When I was stuck in my pmo addiction and worked jobs that weren't beneficial for me, I was very miserable and looked at so many things from a negative viewpoint.

    By forcing myself to be happy no matter what the situation, I find everything in my life coming easier to me, the stress naturally doesn't occur like it used to and I have an air about me that others notice, which has helped tremendously with my social anxiety.

    This has really made the difference between getting over this addiction and spinning my wheels and relapsing left and right. When I first started to quit, when I relapsed I would beat myself up and think it would be impossible to do. Now if and when they occur I think about all the positive progress I've made and how I've cut the addiction nearly 100% from my life.
    iHappy likes this.
  4. GSarosi

    GSarosi Guest

    Stop seeking approval. Stop giving approval. Don't outsource your happiness and esteem. Have a purpose. Let others take care of their own problems. Be selfish. Know that your time is precious. Once you lose it you can't get it back. Passion and purpose trump money and status any day. Things that are worth having and keeping have no short cuts. Know how to bring things to an end. Never over extend yourself. In any venture know what you want out of it and never go over board. Don't be greedy.