Help me make a list of successful rebooters.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by galaxim, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. galaxim

    galaxim Fapstronaut

    Hi! Following perusan's idea, I wanted to start a thread with links to successful rebooters profiles and those users that have helped you the most, so we can all learn from them, but specially the newbies.

    NoFap is a great community. There are different life stories and diferent lifestyles, so it would be good that the newcomers could find their own "teachers", according to their values and what they want to achieve.

    Please post the links of "latest started threads"):

    perusan (noblesse oblige):
    Ando (woman):
    NoFap Asian:
    Je m'abstiens:
    Captain B:
    Mark (AKA "jilted john"):
    Dr. Zaius (AKA "Alex"):
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2014
  2. Mark was amazing too! I didn't saw him since a long time!

    Je m'abstiens was one of the people that helped me the most when I first came here, he's the one that replied my newbie post! He relapsed around 200 days and I've not seen him since but his valuable advice still is here.

    Abel and giggleshmack pretty much are amongst my heroes here.

    That list is a great idea, thank you so much for adding me, it means the world :)

    Oh and I think that you should add yourself Galaxim. You're an absolute gem for self-improvement and a technical approach. You deserve to be here.

    EDIT: Oh and IGY too. He and I might have very different point of views but I know he give very valuable advice and I think he deserve to be here too

    EDIT TOO: FinalFight123 and ChrisHaven helped me a lot too.

    PS: Is it about only rebooters, or just people that helped you the most? Sorry didn't get it

    EDIT 3: Sorry; I'd just'd like to add that maybe you could precise that I'm a girl in your first post so maybe those who are interested in talking to a girl could know it. But I wouldn't in the slightest you to think that I'm bragging. I just try to help.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2014
  3. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

  4. I think you should add jmark too. And in the success stories there are other guys that made several years. It would be a good idea to add them I think. I mean if that's not a successful reboot then I don't know what is!

    And I know it's gonna sounds weird coming from me but... Why not add Clumsy? I think he's around the same time than me, and he actually helped a lot of guys from what I've read. I'm for hating no one. I think he deserve to be here.
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Sorry, but jmark keeps upsetting people :(
  6. Hmm, in your case Abel I was thinking more of "people that helped you", and for jmark "people that have successfully rebooted".

    Anyway as you want guys :)
  7. jmark

    jmark Banned

    It doesn't matter if I've upset people. I've rebooted. Maybe people should start listening to me. You can't argue with success.
  8. Finalfight123

    Finalfight123 Fapstronaut

    Don't forget lustfree. He hasn't been on but he has helped people. And Kosh32 hes helped me and numerous others. And don't forget Alexander.

    And thanks anne for that. You have helped me to see the other side and to respect you almost even more for it. Honestly I think that you have helped me get to this point through your ideas and motivation and how I think you have become a better person through the challenges.

    As far as successful depends on the definition but thank you. Abel in my opinion you are. You've changed I think from who you once were. And I think that in itself is the greatest victory and obviously doing less than you did before. I would put character development above just abstaining in my opinion but thats all it is I suppose.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2014
  9. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Good idea. I know Abel, Anne, so many I can't even remember. IGY and Final Flight more recently. I would be so lost without the help of this community. Thank you.

    Oh yeah don't forget Squeaky Soul!
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2014
  10. Vision

    Vision Fapstronaut

    I agree 100% that JMark should be added.
    If the list includes non-addicts then Kedvesem should definitely be there.

    BTW: I don't understand why people are upset by JMark. Anyway, upsetting might be helpful to awakening. Remember the stick of Zen masters.
  11. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I appreciate the couple of mentions. Thank you - IGY :)
  12. Squeaky Soul

    Squeaky Soul Fapstronaut

    Thanks dawg! I haven't been active on here as much as I should, but this is literally the busiest time of my life :D

    Doing your best to get your Eagle Scout rank takes a lot out of you :p I promise you guys more of my time in the future!

    Peace out,

    ~Squeaky Soul
  13. e5s

    e5s Fapstronaut

    Hum. Could be the name-calling and thread derailments. Also taking credit for his wife's grace, as if he earned it, while showing zero compassion for those who weren't savvy enough to enjoy his good luck in marriage.

    You know the #1 non-negotiable requirement for sainthood? You've got to be dead, story over, thus beyond future scandal. There's a level of arrogance that no living human can justify speaking with.

    Sticks are fine now and then, but for the benefit of the learner, not the enjoyment of the stick specialist.
  14. Tombuktu

    Tombuktu Fapstronaut

    I find this idea quite unhelpful. As a newer person myself I don't think that I would come here to learn from a particular teacher or become anyone's disciple. The new comer would usually ask a question in a particular part of the forum and will get answers from those who might be available and willing to reply. What keeps me coming here is the idea of a community where we help and support each other on an equal footing rather than to seek for some teachers or masters.

    Creating a class of the so called, "successful" rebooters does not seems to be a good idea to me. Who will determine the criteria for being a successful rebooter? Who will issue the certificate? What about if the so-called "successful rebooter" has a relapse, will they still be seen as such or do they have to start from the beginning? How many relapses should disqualified them?

    Come-on guys, this is a community, not a caste system with differences on who is at what level or degree? Let the community be as it is rather than giving the "newbies" something they did not ask for and which in the end will not be for the benefit of the newbies themselves. What will follow next will be a separate section on the forum for the "Grand Masters", which is simply ridiculous, self-important and a recipe for pride and falls.

    Recovery is a process that requires patience, humility and hard work regardless on how long one has been abstinent.

    I think at times we get obsessed about the length of abstinence and think that the longer someone has abstained the more successful and rebooted they are. One can have a long abstinence and little recovery or reboot, which is often evident in some who claim to have rebooted and show no sign of compassion of maturity in their posts.

    In the end, what matters is not one's length of abstinence, but rather the strength of recovery. Peace...:cool:
  15. After deep thought I most definitely agree. What is reboot anyway?

    And I certainly don't want to appear as arrogant. I do not take any pride nor credit for my counter or streak. I'm focusing on my own self-improvement and it's a task too hard and there's too much to make yet to have the time to brag about what anyway I never could have done without God. There's alwasy something to learn from anything, period. Just my 2 cents tho
  16. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I wasn't really thinking of this as teachers. More like stories meant to convince skeptics and inspire new fapstronauts.

    Maybe it should link to journals or success story threads rather than latest posts.
  17. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Just curious Anne-Dauphine - how come you are called a 'Distinguished Fapstronaut' compared with the rest of us? :confused:
  18. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Shall I leave at 90 days and then have a second coming, lol :D
  19. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Pity you missed the joke Abel. Did you not see the lol and the laughing face?
  20. Yes I think Abel's right :) Anyway I wasn't a really good mod ha

    And I know lolol I came back when I wasn't supposed too. I can't help this is my favourite place of the Internet.

    Like really I'm starting to get overly emotional because I'm too stressed but I really love this place and every one in it. For me there's no hierarchy. Anyway is either amazing or becoming amazing and we all know how incredibly tough it is. This is the safest place of the Internet, too. Never saw a place with as much non-judgemental, open-minded and basically KIND people than here. I love you all broz you all saved my soul (which is more important than my life yo)

    And the best thing is hat even if sometimes it clashes because hey it gets everything to make a world then people do ask for forgiveness and are forgiven and if that's not beautiful then idk what is. I've met some of the most beautiful I've ever seen here. I'm glad I was addicted once because Lord I would have missed a huge ton of stuff if I never have been quitting. Now that I'm rebooted I know I had the best of the two worlds: the hugest pleasure fun when I was an addict and the hugest cosmic happiness by quitting. I'm winning at life yo.

    PS: thank you for calling me Anne-Dauphine guys, I really appreciate it, my nickname is Ando so everytime someone call me Anne I feel like half my name's missing X)

    PS 2: I've reconsidered my attitude IGY and I want to apologize because you were of course right and my excessive swearing was inconvenient and disrespectful. I am trying to do better but, sorry if I screw sometimes :p