1. Anonymous30005

    Anonymous30005 Fapstronaut

    So I started NoFap in december and I went 3 straight weeks with no porn, edging and masturbating. Until I touched myself in the shower and stopped to realise that a gush of cum exploded. I was pissed and so I carried on my NoFap journey. Second time i went for 13 days and i broke it. Then the week after(8 days NoFap). Then the week after(7days). Now i had a 9 day streak and It broke. I felt the superpowers and I can tell you it has been great during those times. But accidental strokes in the shower and stopping that cause it then further binging ( technically only 1 time after). I really need help and advice. Its driving me crazy. I just broke it. Had a wet dream and then masturbated again. I have a full schedule and busy week. Any advice?
  2. That's crazy. I've been hearing people touching their dicks and Oing. I never could understand this thing. How can it be possible physically. I'm on my 36 day or smthng. And I am washing my dick in the shower even with similar movements as masturbation, but not even that doesn't arouse me, but I'm so far from even cumming. Orgasm is happening in the head completely. So if you're thinking about sex every minute of every day then you are horny, heated, and ready to cum at the touch of your dick, but otherwise I just can't believe this happening. No offense. But there is something you're not telling here maybe. But who am I to judge, i guess we're all different.

    Anyway my advice is to stop thinking about anything sexual. Everything that happens with your dick, start to happen in your brain first.
  3. Emerson B

    Emerson B Fapstronaut

    Try silent meditation in the morning when you wake up. It really clears up the mind and puts you in a calm manner throughout your busy day. You can overcome this and remember the world is yours.
    Anonymous30005 likes this.
  4. Anonymous30005

    Anonymous30005 Fapstronaut

    Thank you
    Emerson B likes this.