Hey everyone

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Doreamon, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. Doreamon

    Doreamon New Fapstronaut

    I'm Chris, 36 year old man.

    I have a problem : I'm addicted to masturbation.
    Either it's from porn, pictures or YouTube videos, anything goes.

    To the point where I have absolutely no interest in women anymore.
    When I'm at a party or in a bar, I have mild interest in them and usually don't bother.

    My motivation and courage has gone down, drastically.

    I can fap anywhere from 1 to 3 times a day.

    I'm aware I have a problem and wanna fix it.

    I've been informing myself lately about benefits of nofap.

    I usually just cave in and fap, but I would like to take the next step and be able to refrain from doing it at least a whole month.

    I guess from there it can only get easier, but that 90 days mark is my main objective.
    skybrowser likes this.
  2. Winssy

    Winssy Fapstronaut

    Try going for 1 week. If you made it, then go for second week. And if okay, try reaching 30 days. :) That will be one great accomplishment.
    Ordinary_Citizen likes this.
  3. Hi Chris!
    It's going to be a tough task to abstain from M but you will definitely benefit from it! After those 90 days you would surely get your courage and motivation to talk to girls back!
    Good luck
  4. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

  5. Doreamon

    Doreamon New Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys. I'm getting extra busy recently with work, workout. Trying all I can to get my mind off of it.
    I got this.
    OrangeCarrot likes this.
  6. I support WinstonDotMY saying about one week first. You're just starting and fail is rather possible (I don't say you cannot make it, it depends on you). And it's really good that you're getting yourself busy, it helps a lot :)
    But don't overwhelm yourself. Try to do everything gradually.