Hi, I'm new here

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by signalskew, May 6, 2019.

  1. signalskew

    signalskew New Fapstronaut

    I've been a PA for over 20 years now, starting with a dial up internet connection when I was in middle school. I've experienced DE with partners over the years, but it never really bothered me. My main reasons for quitting are that I feel bad hiding it from my wife, and I'd rather spend my time doing more productive things.

    Over the last several months, I've done several personal challenges to either quit a negative habit for a month or start a positive habit for a month. Back in December, I did a month of no M (but lots of P and O). After reading some of the info on this site, I've decided to start a 90 day Normal Mode challenge, and I look forward to having community support this time around.

    Maybe I'll switch to Hard Mode after that, but that will require some time to get my wife on board with Karezza and some coordination to work around our schedule for having another baby.

    I'm really glad this community exists, and I look forward to sharing experiences with you all.

    WonderingKid21 likes this.
  2. Welcome to the community.
    signalskew likes this.
  3. WonderingKid21

    WonderingKid21 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to nofap :)
    hope you find it here helpful to you
    wish you all the best, my friend
    signalskew likes this.