Hopelessness and recovery

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Matthews_M, Jan 29, 2018.

  1. Matthews_M

    Matthews_M Fapstronaut

    The longest streak I ever had was 37 days. i feel as though pmo literally makes me tired and want to lay down and die. I don’t even enjoy getting together my friends as I did few months back! The longest streak I had was 37 days and I felt the difference then. Now days I cant even go past 4-5 days.

    I imagine myself I am living a certain way and moving towards a certain goal, and the I am living another way with Pmo sucking my energy and my potential and my life.
    I feel as though I don’t have anyone to talk to and now there to runaway from this habit that I feel I have handed my life away to.
    None the less, even if I die today or tomorrow the world will go on. Even if my life doesn’t matter to anybody, it should and does matter to me.
    Therefore, this is day one again and I won’t give up! I die trying to reclaim my true manhood and nature. I’ll pursue life without lies of bad habit and consistently running away from what I am supposed to do as a man and how I’m supposed to live my true gifts!
    tiredofbeingtired likes this.
  2. tiredofbeingtired

    tiredofbeingtired Fapstronaut

    Hey, I'm sorry to hear how you're struggling. I know how hard life can feel in the grips of this addiction. It's caused us so much underserved pain. You can leave it behind though. There is light at the end of this tunnel and you are going to love life again.

    You say you're having trouble with a few days. Have you tried the 7 day challenge in this forum? You may find the support in there to be helpful. Have you also tried finding an accountability partner? Finding ways to get consistent support can be really helpful in this.

    Just remember: you're not alone in this and you will always have us to talk to.
    Pranav1486 likes this.
  3. Pranav1486

    Pranav1486 Fapstronaut

    I am in same state. I dont want to talk or meet people.. I was in 20 years of pmo circle.. finally ended. But taking time for brain to recover and normally talk to people.. I loved going for hikes, enjoy nature, and talk strangers :) going back to childhood feels frightens with responsibilities of control own mind ..
    i dont know what I was typing.. i hope you got some sense out of it ;)
    thel00ker and tiredofbeingtired like this.