How to avoid watching porn subs present all around us?


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Hi everybody
Please help me. After hard mode rebooting for four months, I am now facing strong urges. I recently bought TV and cable and I started watching movies, series, etc. The problem is now girls in skirts as shown in TV are also causing erection (in my place, seeing girls in short skirts is rare). So for two days I tried to intentionally seek those series which show short skirt wearing girls. Does this act as porn sub for me? I had reset my counter again. It is very difficult to avoid erection causing scenes like this as it is getting very common now in TV etc. to show this. How to avoid such thing? Can't remove cable as my mom has come to live with me for few months and because of her only I took cable. Not able to resist urge after seeing scenes like that.

In two days, I searched the channel showing scene like that, saw beautiful girls in bikini aur skirt and changed channel as brain forced that I am doing something wrong. Again went for same thing. Then I reset counter. Temptation is still strong.

How much will I be resisting to seeing things like this. Now the billboards on roads or shops also have bikini wearing girls.

Please help.
Ron this is a great post, and one that has been talked about quite a bit on the forums.

If you are watching TV to receive sexual satisfaction from seeing these girls- yes I would argue that is a porn substitute for you. If you are watching TV because you are a normal healthy individual who wants to relax and watch tv I don't think it is an issue. It is really your intention here which dictates if this is a porn substitute or not. In this case it sounds like you specifically sought out the sexual stimulation from a non human source which I would consider indulging in pornography.

Now- had you just been flipping through the channels and you see an advertisement and then you forgot about it and moved on with your life: I think that would be fine. Our culture is highly sexualized and it is honestly hard to avoid anything these days that is not sexually stimulating. so coming across it on tv is normal. But seeking it out specifically is a bit different. I would suggest putting that remote down for a while and picking up a book instead mate. Fill that brain with knowledge, not garbage.
Ron this is a great post, and one that has been talked about quite a bit on the forums.

If you are watching TV to receive sexual satisfaction from seeing these girls- yes I would argue that is a porn substitute for you. If you are watching TV because you are a normal healthy individual who wants to relax and watch tv I don't think it is an issue. It is really your intention here which dictates if this is a porn substitute or not. In this case it sounds like you specifically sought out the sexual stimulation from a non human source which I would consider indulging in pornography.

Now- had you just been flipping through the channels and you see an advertisement and then you forgot about it and moved on with your life: I think that would be fine. Our culture is highly sexualized and it is honestly hard to avoid anything these days that is not sexually stimulating. so coming across it on tv is normal. But seeking it out specifically is a bit different. I would suggest putting that remote down for a while and picking up a book instead mate. Fill that brain with knowledge, not garbage.
The problem is actually my brain is rationalizing that whether I will stop seeing all serials just that they are filled with stimulating images and that even a skirt wearing girl is stimulating for me. But on the other hand hand I have a doubt inside that whether I am just watching it for stimulation. So great dilemma here. That serial has good content so I want to watch it but girls are wearing skirts which causes stimulation which might be normal for other people. So in this confusion I am back and forth.

I will try to cut out digital content as much as possible because I am addicted to TV series too.