How to be more productive, I need tips!!

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by joebean24, Mar 2, 2015.

  1. joebean24

    joebean24 Fapstronaut

    I have a lot more time now because of NoFap, but I go to school full time for music. I'm a pianist that composes music for the piano. I have to learn some classical pieces of music to get in the music education program, the audition is either April or I can wait till the fall. Idk how to get myself moving with it without falling down and feeling hopeless because I "can't" do it. I'm talented in composing and doing my own thing, but I lack the motivation to get progress. So please give me some tips, much appreaticated!
  2. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I recommend you read The 12 Week Year for an awesome plan and boost on productivity. I highly encourage you to read it because you'll get the mindset and the reasons why you should do this and that.

    At least take a look at it. That being said, don't hesitate to DM if you need specifics on how to apply it.

    The basic idea is to plan your progress. Set a goal of what you want to have achieved by your target date. Then break it down into weekly-pieces, then daily pieces. Then track your daily performance of those daily goals, and make sure every week you're getting at least 85% of it.

    I hope it helps.
  3. joebean24

    joebean24 Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot for your feed back, I will use your advice.
  4. OurLiP

    OurLiP Fapstronaut

    Get "Time Warp" for Chrome, it helps limit how long you spend on unproductive websites and sets you on a path to a more productive browsing experience.
  5. TheState

    TheState Fapstronaut

    I agree with TotalLifeChange that making a solid and detailed plan is a crucial part!

    I read a book about willpower a while back (from Roy Baumeister, a Stanford professor). He researches people who seem to have had a lot of willpower and he tries to find out what kind of behaviour helped them get to where they wanted to go. Especially in relation to the mental struggle you describe (the feeling of hopelessness) there might be some usefull stuff in there. Obviously it doesn't contain some magic formula, but it does have helpfull suggestions.
    One of the things he says is to find a fixed moment during the day to do the thing you want to succeed in. For example, first thing in the morning you practice piano for 2 hours. You don't think about it, you just do it, everyday, on that exact moment. This way it will grow into a habit a lot faster, and the inner debate and feeling of demotivation will decrease.

    I don't know if this is realistic for you.
    If you want more examples just let me know!

    And also, writing on this forum will definitely help as well! Get the emotional load off your chest and also share your acomplishments.

    Good luck:)
  6. Anturak

    Anturak Fapstronaut

    TotalLifeChange's advice might at first seem appear too simple, inconsequential, even, but let me vouch for the power behind breaking tasks up. It's not just something that's put in lists of productivity enhancers just for fun. It is Powerful. The ability to chunk your goal down into bite-size pieces is one of the strongest tools of overcoming the initial approach anxiety and help you eventually set a habit that as TheState mentioned will be completely automatized. It'll stop becoming something you consciously make a decision for, it'll become someone you are. You will develop the character to always do it, no matter what. That's conviction. But that's in the future. How do you get there? Small choices every single day. Every single hour. See where your time is going. Put away distractions like your phone, social media, shows, games, all that bs that is detracting you from the most important thing in your life right now, your craft.

    I believe you can do this. Just the fact that you're on this site tells me a lot about you. I would wish you good luck, but I think you're above that. Cuz you have what it takes, and you know it. Now go do it.
  7. TotalLifeChange

    TotalLifeChange Fapstronaut

    I agree. It's just a paragraph so it seems trivial as you say. But it's really a lifestyle change with tremendous positive consequences.
  8. joebean24

    joebean24 Fapstronaut

    I just want to say thank you everyone for being so helpful, positive and caring. I read these all this morning and it helped me out to get the motivation I need.