How to save my 11 y.o bro from becoming a P addict

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by iluvfreedom, Nov 23, 2020.

  1. Dude setup open dns without letting him know.
    Link -
    Its free you can check it out. I too am using this for more than two months and its hard to detect the dns.
    Hope this will help :):)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2020
    iluvfreedom likes this.
  2. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    So how does he get access to those images??
  3. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    I used to have OpenDNS on my router but I switched to cleanbrowsing because it blocks more P sites and enforces Google safe search.
    ANameThatStartsWithK and Kingler like this.
  4. iluvfreedom

    iluvfreedom Fapstronaut

    I dont think he saw those pics but he had searched them
    xXsinnerXx and Kingler like this.
  5. Thanks for suggestion buddy :)
  6. Bro the more you'll try to impose it on him the more he'll resist you. He's not matured enough. Try to imagine yourself in his place. Even if you'll block it everywhere still he'll somehow manage to access it. You'll have to talk to him and make him understand that its not a bad habit rather its an addiction much worse than drugs because it is easily accessible than drugs. Try to crack a conversation with him about this. But just don't directly start talking about this, if you'll do so he'll avoid the conversation. He doesn't know about the consequences. Everyone of us became a part of this because we didn't know the consequences. Try to be bit friendly.
    moon 8 and xXsinnerXx like this.
  7. Survival 3 Man

    Survival 3 Man Fapstronaut

    The big problem is promises which wont work hes starting off in life he needs a father figure guidance dont be afraid to introduce him to Jesus Christ to help understand why not to view these sites. I remember I had no one to help me about sexuality dont be afraid step up be the man tell him about sex in a moral way provide understanding. Forcefully telling him not to watch porn wont work hes innocent his emotions will deceive him so teaching him about Jesus Christ is vital and getting outside doing activities is key also hard work is good for the boy. Father is supposed to provide leadership, guidance and discipline this will be good motivation to help your recovery.
  8. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Hmm, this is a tough spot but you are doing a great thing by trying to warn him. I cringe at the thought of all these 10 year olds walking around with unlimited porn in their pockets, what's even worse is that much of society sees this as no big deal :emoji_face_palm:
    moon 8 likes this.