How To Workout with a Celebrity or Hotty 24/7/365 (a.k.a. make J.A. proud)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by j_pwc_bat, May 6, 2018.

  1. j_pwc_bat

    j_pwc_bat Fapstronaut

    Hi, just had a good idea.
    a. I could fap....shame.... no energy... no confidence... tuberculosis...etc...
    b. Or ..... try something different/new.

    Why not do your workouts with a hotty [attractive person]?

    Here's how (2 steps)
    1. So I googled "___ year-old hotties"..... and checked out photos. (Note: I got the Colorful Beach Balls on google search.... so I'm on SafeSearch.)
    Here's the homegirl I chose [Jessica Alba]:


    2. Put on some of your Favorite Tunes.

    So, just open 2 windows (1 for music; 1 for photo) and have an enjoyable workout. Have fun working out with a hotty/celebrity/etc.
    Increased confidence... self esteem... stronger... and more used to dealing with "hotties" ............
    No biggee.... they are only human/temporary like all of us.

    *Note: I've been out with an "11" before......... and she was VERY SELFISH.... Years later went out with a "10".......... and she was better....... but Rather Negative.
    Last edited: May 6, 2018