I am a Porn RESEARCHER...and a "Professionnal one" on top of that: those are the causes of my urge

How much time a day do you spend for your porn researches ?

  • 1 to 3H

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • 3 to 6H

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • More than 6H

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More than 10H D: (YIKES!)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


You read the title.
Now you know that when I want to find something particular in Porn...well I find it 99% of the time. No matter how much time passes. And if I don´t...well then it´s not good...not good at all...

This is like for a Drug addict -> the " floating period " a mix of intense stress mixed with the absolute need to get your FIX/SHOT.

The explanation of porn addiction " research mechanism" in my opinion is actually very simple: At university when I wrote my Masters Thesis and many other research papers , I made researches and I was goddamn good at doing this. Most of the time I would find what I wanted and needed!

Once I employed my " talent as a researcher " in PORN...I understood the followings things:

- I have a scope -> searching for the desired type of porn or model!
- I need to focus 1000% on the research! Only the computer screen I am looking at is important, everything around it....is worth NOTHING and DOESN´T EXIST!

ex: you need help and call me....well...good luck (sorry >_<)

- Videos, pictures, if I have some, I need MORE! Thus, I use Google / Yandex and many other websites to cross results.
- Sometimes I would make a break but still think during the day...while I cook, go out, while I work.....how I could have gotten better search result and in the end better material!
- The more I search, the more I want, the less I find the More I stress and the more I need.
- I have a few " porn buddies " who are also EXCELLENT RESEARCHERS (we are on reddit) and we find stuff....very very rare stuff together. That´s our KICK -> SEARCH - FIND - SHARE - REJOYCE - REPEAT... And I even manage a porn thread with a mod on reddit.

Yes, that´s how far it goes man....RESEARCHING....

EX: Yesterday I went to sleep around 3H50 in the morning and I slept 4 Hours with my cat waking me up everyday at 7H30 x) yes.... cute kittie :3
Still I searched for literally 1h30 hour after my Netflix session..instead of going to sleep.
It doesn´t happen everyday but this time yes it was quite hardcore

I am still astonished to see that Porn addiction has still not been considered by the whole Society as a real hard drug (like cocain, heroine or else...) the effects on our brain are literally the same or even more amplified than with real drugs. IT still feels Taboo. PORN is literally everywhere, we could even say that we " live in a Pornographic Society".

So that´s basically what I wanted to display, the " Research mechanism " and how you force yourself to boost your Research performance in order to get better results....while neglecting a part of yourself...

Ok good you have recognized what you are doing that is damaging. How about now not being a part of that group anymore. Why not research and share things that can help you, rather than tear you down