
  1. PornisMyGirlfriend

    I am a Porn RESEARCHER...and a "Professionnal one" on top of that: those are the causes of my urge

    You read the title. Good! Now you know that when I want to find something particular in Porn...well I find it 99% of the time. No matter how much time passes. And if I don´t...well then it´s not good...not good at all... This is like for a Drug addict -> the " floating period " a mix of intense...
  2. E

    Need Accountability Partner to update and talk on regular basis, 28m/Single - 90 day challenge

    I need an accountability partner, been struggling with PMO since 12 years old. Really need some freedom. Looking to do the 90 day challenge, please help. Would really want someone who is committed and wants to quit completely. Would prefer someone in same time zone, i.e. India if possible...
  3. J

    My sexual repression

    Goodnight. I am from Latinoamerica. I am a man who started my addiction to pornography at 11 years old. I started to masturbate only on weekends, but over time I turned addiction into habit. Every night before going to sleep, I masturbated to calm down. Every day, one masturbation a day 365 days...
  4. pmofreeliving

    PIED Cured - sex after 30 days hard mode

    I had sex for the first time in almost a year and it was amazing. I finally was able to quit watching pornography after 2 years of trying, my ED is gone and I had sex with a girl that I really like. What I did and how you can too: 1.install a porn blocker - I recommend k9: make the password...
  5. nöG

    Hello everybody

    I am a desperate 17 years old boy, who wants to be free and not be determined by porns and mastrubation. I tried to free myself, but did not achieve the freedom i wish to. I would be verry happy to hear about guys, that could help me by giving me some tips etc. It would be nce to get to know...