I literally CANNOT stop PMO

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by selfimprovemarcel, Oct 5, 2021.

  1. selfimprovemarcel

    selfimprovemarcel Fapstronaut

    I have been active in nofap for around 2/3 years now. I have had my periods with ups and downs (as usual), but now i am spiraling out of control. I am now beating the shit out of my meat for 1/2 weeks straight (2 times a day). Everytime when my post-nut clarity kicks in, i have the motivation to stop right after. Then 3 hours later im back with my old habits after, most of the time accidentaly, seeing a hot girl on my screen.
    Does anybody have some tips for me to stop? I seriously think about caging my dick up if that is what it takes..
    Ogikubo likes this.
  2. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Meditate, exercise, spend time doing things you like that is rewarding to you, and then....create rules for yourself, without rules you are like a castle without walls or security, the enemy(the urge) can walk in and out without resistance, keep improving your rules untill you have an impenetrable fortress.

    Good luck.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Ok ill see myself out.
  4. UncleBob

    UncleBob Fapstronaut

    Make sure to catch yourself from looking at those images. Try looking away or blocking it with your hand. Sorry that’s all I have for now.
    selfimprovemarcel likes this.
  5. There has to be something going on in your life that drives you to porn, right? Why do some people constantly booze it up & swear tomorrow will be different? For most of us, using porn just temporarily soothes something that is not right in our lives. We've all seen enough porn to last a dozen lifetimes.
    It's totally natural to fail, start again, fuck up, and go back to the drawing board. But unless we begin to address the real issues why we are using porn, well, we know what will happen.
    This site is good, but you don't need a million opinions. Can you talk to someone?
    selfimprovemarcel likes this.
  6. No2Fap

    No2Fap Fapstronaut

    Right there with you. Back to the drawing board myself. The thing that I realized a long time ago even with the ups and downs, I’m ultimately doing it less than I used to. It’s a step in the right direction that you’re just trying to modify your behavior. The thing that I sometimes get caught up in is that ultimately, it’s a huge time suck. And there’s a lot to be doing in life and sometimes “not doing it” and just thinking about it is an equal time suck, so I think it’s also important to try to actually “do something” - anything else, rather than just think about “not doing”. Of course this is easier said than done - like I said, I’m restarting myself. One day at a time. Good luck.
    selfimprovemarcel likes this.
  7. Erod3d

    Erod3d Fapstronaut

    I was like that until I met the hottest girl ever and couldn't fuck her due to PIED. Two things changed after that. She stopped texting and I stopped watching porn.