Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by nada fap, Mar 3, 2017.

  1. nada fap

    nada fap Fapstronaut

    I was an athletic beast back in the day I was: Explosive,fast,had stamina,had strength and pretty was good athletically. Now I'm a shot bag. I'm weak. Came off a 46 day streak and relapsed 7 times. Recently last month, was diagnosed with crohns/colitis. Whenever I fap I get a mild pain in the stomach. I went 46 days and slipped so easily. I wasn't even horny for the first 40 days, maybe that's because I was too ill to fap , I couldn't even walk, eat or drink (pain), sleeping was merely impossible. And I spent 17days in hospital, I couldn't sleep, had pains (worst pain ever, a women famous for her food recipes said it's worse than giving birth- so you know what I mean). When I got better I did feel energy around there so I started touching and it escalates to a relapse.

    I want to either become a pro basketballer or a boxer. And Ill need all the testosterone I can get from abstaining from all sexual activities, I'm serious (no sex until I turn pro for Basketball or win a belt in boxing). I'm 18 BTW been addicted since the first time I saw it at the age of 10 m, I live in the UK. I'm looking to turn pro in Europe for basketball, the UK is on my mind but players have an average salary of only £7K a year,that's fked.
    acosme likes this.
  2. Víctor Ramos

    Víctor Ramos Fapstronaut

    Man don´t worry, you have the power to stop PMO if you want and if you fall it doesnt mean you are beaten down, if you desist it means you lose but as long as you get up you will succeed, i know you can man, i would say good luck but you dont need it man because you can do it. have nice day man and keep going men.
  3. ensour11

    ensour11 Fapstronaut

    First of all dude, if you're seriously contemplating suicide if you relapse again, it's time to get help. There's no shame in feeling that way. I've developed heavy depression and anxiety over the years because of PMO. I actually made an attempt on my life when I was 17. I'm 21 now. It does get better. You need to focus your strength. If you want to be a pro athlete, focus that energy into training. Use that anger in explosive workouts. If you find yourself about to Fap, slam that fuckin' X button and google exercises for boxers. And if you relapse, COME STRAIGHT BACK TO NoFap AND START OVER.

    Never give up. You are strong.

    Hard days make hard men.
  4. flyjoy

    flyjoy Fapstronaut

    An pro Will Never give up come on fight this.

    Quiting ist Not a Option
  5. Broh I got your back
    Can I ask you a question?
    you said you decided to commit suicide if you fail this time but I would like to know if you can take. Such a strong decision about killing yourself why can't you take decision of quitting pornography whatever happens ( my native is not English but I am sure you get my point) do you want the world to recognize you as a victim of pornograohy or you want to recognize as a a man who overcome most difficult situation in any life. If you want to achieve something stop dreaming about it start doing for it
    I hope I helped you.
    If I don't I am sorry I tried my best
  6. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    If you are that messed up and that addicted, maybe you should go to Sex Addiction rehab. They have a few in the USA, i dont know about the UK though. Maybe at this point seek prefesianal help
  7. No one can actually help him only he can . all can give him advices but its him who should really commit for it
  8. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    Outside help is a real thing. If a person is at the point of suicide, telling them not to get help is adding a nail to their coffin. At some points in peoples lifes, getting help until they can help themselves can save a life.. why would you condem this person and contribute to no hope of any outside help? Are you a trained theropist? Have you worked in suicide prevention and decided it does not work? What makes you an expert in suicide?
    jesusmysaviour likes this.
  9. Cause I gone through worse stages than you can imagine I am expert at nothing. He need helps I do agree but if he really need to get out of this mess he should fight it
    And for your information I was suffering g from depression and for over 6 months I thought nothing but about committing suicides..but what prevented me from doing that was because I don't want my parents to ashamed because I dir by committing suicide or I don't want world to know another failure or victim of pornography
    Deleted Account and nada fap like this.
  10. What he truly need is a motivation. He lost hope in his life .
  11. Will Mars

    Will Mars Fapstronaut

    Yes first thing that word just coming out means at this tender age mind can overtake intellect. So please find a counselor I'm 28 I still go to one it helps you understand your not alone there's a whole world out there. Trust me bro attachment to one thing is the key to suffering, I ain't saying stop chasing goals but to become the perfect hammer to hit the targets clean your being become a better tool. Mentally clean self for example I follow Conor Mcgregor very closely online he's at top but he's been depressed in his early days he got into a lot of mental conditioning THEN plotted his career. So don't band aid heal your wound first. Always read about people who struggled with PMO and HOW they overcame it gives you hope. Like in an adventure video game you jump from one branch to another, some days you swing from branch of knowledge some days branch of willpower some days branch of support from guys here or your family or counselor. Cross this fire river and establish a solid base first that ok this is ME now I've had troubles I have been this but now I'm fine. THEN chase goals till then as practice maybe 2-3 days to release stress hit the bag do drills keep the sword sharpened, no outcome worry, just as a martial artist you BECOME that. And if such though ever come or panicked message back here. Most people check this site daily someone will always say words of wisdom to soothe your hurt mind, at least I'll try every couple days too. Take care, toughen up. Hail the planet Mars! The planet of will power and vitality. Unshaken unbroken.
    nada fap and LegendaryToast like this.
  12. hope4now

    hope4now Fapstronaut

    One day at a time. Go to SLAA and get a sponsor. Trust God, clean house, help others. Try humility. Go bag groceries. Then you may develop character that is required to be a real man.
    acosme, Deleted Account and Will Mars like this.
  13. All i see are clear dreams... And a real man who could do anything to achieve them.

    Dude everyone goes through such disasters .... Have faith ... And you already know the cure ... It will take time but we know you can do it.

    Depressed ? :- sleep ... Natural cure for depression and to increase motivation.
    acosme, Will Mars and hope4now like this.
  14. Thug Life

    Thug Life Guest

    Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    Pro tip which helped me: Life's a bitch, because if it was a slut, it'd be easy

    **Disclaimer** both men and women can be bitches and sluts, so no need to freak out. We're all equal. Hope this helps the keyboard warriors.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2017
    nada fap and jesusmysaviour like this.
  15. Cool ....
    Fap_Doc and nada fap like this.
  16. Thug Life

    Thug Life Guest

    nada fap likes this.
  17. Why did you quoted me?
  18. *sigh*

    can you not?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. He's what-iing your what - i.e. why did you say what to him?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2017
  20. Do not sleep to avoid your problems. It creates an unhealthy relationship to sleep as an escapism method. Depression causes lack of motivation --sleeping will not fix that.

    @nada fap I hope you're still with us. There are people here who care about your success and wellbeing and people IRL who would miss you terribly. Don't give up. Go talk to a professional and save your life.
    nada fap likes this.