I really need help..

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Eslamadel1931, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. Eslamadel1931

    Eslamadel1931 New Fapstronaut

    Well i dont know where to start from. Im 14 year old i tried a lot to stop masturbating it ruins my life makes me feel like a dumb deadbrain person when i finaly stop masturbating for 7 days i gaveup just now. I cant take it anymore i think it is easier to just do it since its already useless to try
    I came here cause i might get an advice from an expert. Tho couple of friends helped me to last for 11 days but well im an addicted machine
  2. Ack Ack Ack

    Ack Ack Ack Fapstronaut

    Porn is really wht you should stop, masturbation at your age is normal.
    But if you wanna quit u should get a girlfriend to do it for u ;)
    Stop Ming for 14 days then go talk to girls
  3. Eslamadel1931

    Eslamadel1931 New Fapstronaut

    • Ma man listen i live in egypt. I got many girls yeah but when it comes in having sex its impossible because my religion
  4. Ack Ack Ack

    Ack Ack Ack Fapstronaut

    WhaT about kissing?
  5. Eslamadel1931

    Eslamadel1931 New Fapstronaut

    Hardly and if i kissed in public ppl will look at me like horny slaves and i might get jailed
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
  6. Brandon Johnston M.Ed

    Brandon Johnston M.Ed Fapstronaut

    Greetings, it sounds like you have a lot of certainties within your posting. I would like to challenge a few statements that you have made. "I am an addicted machine..." What is the truth to this? If this was true, would it be possible for you to last nearly two weeks without masturbating? Some people cannot last a full day. But the reality is that you are human, just like everyone here. It's human nature to want to look at sexually gratifying images. But because the internet has an unlimited supply of these images, our brain becomes somewhat dependent on them. This doesn't make you weak or a machine, but you are a strong individuals for recognizing that it is a problem. So many people, including myself, wish that we were 14 years old with that mindset.

    To assist you with your sobriety, I want you to think back during those 11 days of sobriety, what made you the strongest on rejecting sexual cravings? Was it talking with friends? Keeping Busy? Now, think about what lead to you watching porn? Was it having too much alone time, not being busy? Record your answers on a sheet of paper, try to utilize what worked the best for you, and try to find a solution for the items that didn't work; reflect on it daily. Good luck to you!
    francisable and Eslamadel1931 like this.
  7. iRebootMyself

    iRebootMyself Fapstronaut

    Ibn balady ta3ala fe 7odn a5ok :D
  8. Dude you are strong! Only 14 and have the strength to chuck your addcitions for life! You are not an addcition machine, you are a warrior. Your will power is potent, that's why you were able to last nearly two weeks without M. don't worry even if you've relapsed, you will do better the next time. Anything is better than just giving up! Don't quit the struggle!
  9. What does that mean?