I think 90 day hard mode did more damage than good

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by prioritymail, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. prioritymail

    prioritymail Fapstronaut

    After about 97 days, I decided to fap. Didn't use porn or anything, just felt like doing it and it felt fucking good...the load was massive. I decided to fap a couple hours later and there was no load, it was just watery and barely coming out. Wtf I said, and said let me try the next day -- same fucking thing! I haven't fapped since, but I'm worried that being on hard mode for 3 months has done something bad that I can't shoot a proper load.

    Is this normal? How do I fix it?
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I don't know, but your counter should read 2 days!
  3. prioritymail

    prioritymail Fapstronaut

    How come? I met my challenge. Perhaps I should remove it altogether?
  4. jmark

    jmark Banned

    You didn't break anything, bro. There's nothing unhealthy about hard mode.
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Because it reads 100 days since your last reset, yet you masturbated a couple of days ago.
  6. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    It's sad to read that you broke such a long streak, was a good job of you.

    However you've caused yourself a lot of damage, unfortunately and not fun to say it. You should have given your body the rest it need. After long periods of excessive masturbation, and then quit, withdrawal symptoms will appear. Of those are fatigue, depression, nervousness but also some strange side effects around the groin, premature ejaculation, soreness of urethrea, weakning of erections etc. Your body had went in "repair mode" and you forced it to end it.

    Don't masturbate, simple as that. It's not good for you. End of story.
  7. prioritymail

    prioritymail Fapstronaut

    Well shit, I didn't know there was a "repair mode" after rebooting. Do you think I've done more damage than before I went into hard mode? Should I do a 180 day challenge of no PMO to ensure I've passed the "repair mode" phase?
  8. jmark

    jmark Banned

    You should do a one-day challenge. And when you complete that, do another one-day challenge. Repeat until cured.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2014
  9. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    No, you should not go on a 180 day reboot. Avoid masturbation for the rest of your life. Same goes for porn.
    Positive path likes this.
  10. I agree in spirit but let's not forget that especially in the beginning each day can be a dragon fight and even though I think that when you are able to say to yourself "for the rest of my life" without being scared in the slightest means you HAVE quit, I think it eases the process at first by setting smaller goals. My NoFap motto is "one day at a time, one hill at a time". But again you and I have quit forever by using different methods so both are valuable.

    prioritymail, what I did was that I first set myself to a 7 days goal, then increased it to 14, then to 21, then increased it every ten days. So my counter was always close to being full, so it wasn't demotivating for me as I felt like I was always close to my goal, and perpetual evolving helped me to move on and not to be distracted as I'm very competitive with myself. You might consider trying this if you feel that we share similarities :)

    I wish you the best towards your journey though! Stay strong!
  11. prioritymail

    prioritymail Fapstronaut

    I think I'm missing something. I know I can meet any challenge I set, but the reason why I decided to MO was because I felt I was "rebooted" in that I wasn't thinking of porn or that I no longer sexualized every woman I saw on the street. Before I found NoFap, I would be depressed every time I MOed, but I felt like a damn rock star MOing these last couple of times.

    I just got worried about not ejaculating an amount that I was accustomed to prior to NoFap.
  12. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Don't worry, you know that you're rebooted when your orgasm feels as your first one. Until then you're "only" healing.
  13. Goodmood

    Goodmood Fapstronaut

    "Well shit, I didn't know there was a "repair mode" after rebooting. Do you think I've done more damage than before I went into hard mode? Should I do a 180 day challenge of no PMO to ensure I've passed the "repair mode" phase? "

    Repair mode...wtf lol. Come on....enough with all this bullshit bro-science, you've gone 90 days hardmode that's great...now just keep avoiding porn for the rest of your life and start having SEX. Jerking off to sensation ONCE IN WHILE won't harm you either don't listen to these Nofap extremists. The ennemy is porn remember.
  14. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    I agree with this. I've been doing NoFap for about a month now, have zero desire for porn of any sort, but I also don't think getting off every now and then is a big deal (like once a month if you have to). My energy and mood stayed the same after "failing." Whatever, I'm still doing awesome and have about 5 women lined up for this week. Go get some!
  15. nofapanon

    nofapanon Fapstronaut


    I'm not a doctor and I doubt anyone else here is either. There are no doubt still a lot of gaps in knowledge in this subject area. My gut feeling is that you shouldn't worry. Why? Well your body is flexible - if you were masturbating regularly before and then you suddenly stop for 90 days your body is likely to adapt, just like it does with ever other long term change you make.

    If you continue masturbating, no doubt it will start to work its way back along the spectrum, not that I'm suggesting you do that!

    Good luck.
  16. prioritymail

    prioritymail Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your feedback, gentlemen, I greatly appreciate it!
  17. Tombuktu

    Tombuktu Fapstronaut

    I agree totally with this approach and I did it when I first started. I went for 7, 14, 21, 30, 45, and 60. From 60 I decided to aim for 95 since it falls on my birthday and it will be a great motivator. If I were you I would start with shorter goals and increase incrementally.

    Like what was said by others, there is no such a thing as reboot, then life goes to "normal". The reboot period is simply a chance to give your brain the opportunity to rewire so that you are able to not act out your addiction automatically, but have a chance to make better decisions and deal with your difficulties in a mature way. By feeding the "addict" after the reboot period, you have not helped yourself. I am not sure what damages you have done but do not think that you have necessarily undone everything you did in the past.

    You need to realise that abstinence should not be the aim, but rather recovery. Sadly many people here focus on abstinence and do not realise that it is all about recovery. Recovery means that you deal with the root causes of your addiction and you learn to handle life's challenges, anxiety, stress, painful experiences in a mature way without resorting to addiction to numb the pain. It is going to require a change of lifestyle, not just an abstinence for 90 days so that you can "shoot better".

    Good luck and I wish you all the best.