If you want to change your life

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by JegErFransk, May 3, 2014.

  1. JegErFransk

    JegErFransk Fapstronaut


    To get started, I have a small experiment for you:
    Go on your favorite browser and type "change my/your life".

    What do you find?
    A lot of advices and why your life will be better.

    But does a change means a better life?

    Let's review quickly my own story:

    In the beginning of last year I decided to change my life and thing started in August:
    Relocation in a new country, new university, new friends, exercise twice a week...

    But it wasn't enough, so in early December, I've been one step beyond:
    New clothes, focus on hygiene, cleaning routine of my flat (full clean at least once a week), no more time lost on internet, no more phone...

    Something was still missing, so a bit more than 2 months ago, I started Nofap:
    No-PMO, cold showers, meditation, healthy food, no more alcohol.

    So here I am, almost everything has changed in my life... And guess what, I am not sure to be happier! My life is perfectly healthy, my studies are going well (one of the best universities in the world), my social life is on top, I don't have any addiction, ... But everything I built in my previous life is falling.

    When you change your life, you change the way you behave, the way you dream, the way you see things.
    Everything is perfectly organized in your life: you know where you want to go, you know what you want to do, and you will do everything you can to get there. "If you want something in life, reach out and grab it".
    You have built your life in a closed environment in which everything makes sense, because you follow the path of the way your mind tells you to do thing.

    If you change your life, you break the harmony. What you do is outside the circle, and slowly, days after days, you will think outside the box, beyond the walls you built during all those years. Congratulations, you changed your life! You are not going back, because you changed of road, your mind is driving you somewhere else.

    Though, one thing is wrong: You have abilities, knowledge and aspirations that belong to the other you: the new you do not know anything about himself, his dreams vanished. Where are you going? It took you all your childhood to determine your goals and to build dreams... The fact is, now you don't have anything! You don't know where you desire to go, you are not sure about what you like and what you really want.

    I am looking at past life, my past aspirations, and I question myself about how this could have been a dream for me. A top job in a Bank? Not for me anymore! But when you look in the mirror, I just see somebody lost in his life.
    I had good friends, a good family, I was sure to secure a very good job, my life was far to be unhealthy, and everything was working. When I look back, I wonder why I wished to change my life for those little improvements. But it is too late and i know it.

    Today, I have nothing. Only one idea is stuck in my head: becoming the next Chirstopher McCandles (from the real-story/book/film "Into The Wild"), and escaping from society.
    I'll graduate in 45 days, and if I don't change my mind, I'll go for it!

    Here is my view on the "changing my life" project based on my own experience. Any comment, any question, any suggestion (I hope you can convince me not to do so... This guy died after 100 days...), this thread is yours!
    Last edited: May 3, 2014
  2. JegErFransk

    JegErFransk Fapstronaut

    Hi Anon,

    Sorry for the late answer, I avoid to use internet too often.

    Really good question, what am I going to regret in 20 years?
    Well, maybe I'll regret the fact that I didn't try to pack my backpack and start a long journey on the roads... Or will I regret the job opportunities I had?

    "All the doors are open", nothing can be so true. Life is about choices. But how do you choose when you don't know what you want anymore?

    Oh, and if you want advices for your life changing project, do not hesitate, things have actually been really easy for me so far... As I said, it turned out to be difficult only after succeeding.

    Good luck with your projects,

  3. Nate007

    Nate007 Fapstronaut

    i like that, "instead of doing the job you love, you can start loving the job you do" maybe i could start to love mowing lawns and landscaping.
  4. tbtitans21

    tbtitans21 Fapstronaut

    I agree to a certain extent. It seems for me that nofap is the door to love and passion. The lust associated with fapping is not beneficial to any life in my opinion. But I agree that we should love the present and not fall in love with the future. However nofap makes the present much better (at least for me, the 10+ year edge all day whilst playing video games all day guy)
  5. Nasser

    Nasser Fapstronaut

    I keep asking myself this question, what is the purpose of my existence in this life?

    from this constructive discussion, I noticed your question Anon "what I am going to regret in 20 years" I think this is a simple important question that we keep forgetting asking ourselves. we should care about this type of questions that let us remember our aims and give us a big boost.