I'm really sick of it

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by seekingawayout, Dec 20, 2018.

  1. seekingawayout

    seekingawayout Fapstronaut

    I'm 26 y.o guy started to fap when I was 11 y.o
    started to be a porn addict from 14 y.o
    I almost masturbated every single day since I was 14 y.o at least once maybe some times reached 6 times a day
    My addiction made me do things I couldn't think I would do.
    now i can not sleep without doing it every night for as long I can remember or I wouldn't have the ability to sleep all night.
    in the whole last year I'm suffering of getting obese junk food of course lost the appetite for knowing new friends or keeping the existing ones , for my job, now I suffer a lot of physical and mental weakness and having that continuous feeling of pain in testicles and back pain
    and I'm really suffering of something new in the last year I have that feeling that I want to pee and i'm feeling a discomfort in my penis always but it increases at night
    By the way I'm a virgin guy, so I didn't have any real sex ever
    please advice me
    Celticwarrior16 likes this.
  2. Mattsfreedom

    Mattsfreedom Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the site. Have you tried anything besides masturbation for sleeping?
  3. Welcome. We are glad you are here
  4. seekingawayout

    seekingawayout Fapstronaut

    thanks a lot I was all alone and I'm really afraid of starting any relationship cuz my situation nobody will accept
    Empty Red Cloud likes this.
  5. seekingawayout

    seekingawayout Fapstronaut

    Thank u
    I tried
    like going for a walk or something but I didn't work.
    and I took some sleeping bills as well but I quit it cuz It looks like escaping an addiction to another addition.
    but that continuous appeal to pee and pain making it worse
  6. Infrasapiens

    Infrasapiens Fapstronaut

    Have you tried working out? I leaves you tired so you could use that to sleep.
  7. seekingawayout

    seekingawayout Fapstronaut

    yes but I quit working out easily cuz I work for long hours on a desk, I feel tired already when I reach home but not enough to sleep
    I'm thinking of quitting my job actually to get sober from this addiction
  8. Mattsfreedom

    Mattsfreedom Fapstronaut

    Try melatonin it's a natural sleep aid you can find in any vitamin shop or health section of a grocery store.
  9. seekingawayout

    seekingawayout Fapstronaut

  10. Just go swimming before work. Go jogging after!
  11. Nebuchadnezzar

    Nebuchadnezzar Fapstronaut

    These advices are pretty good. You could also invest in a propper diet, and teas. Some have really calming effects and they clean your system. Have you consulted a doctor about your testicle pain? Probably you have, but, just checking.
    Also, accoring to my experience, when I'm in a sad, angered or sick state of mind, I seem to attract women in that state of mind aswell. They didn't do any good for me. From that, I learned that first I must heal myself. Not to perfection, that takes time, but, just knowing that I'm on the way to recovery already makes me feel more confident and it will probably attract people in a better state of mind too. But this is just my experience. Take it with a grain of salt. It might be different for others.
  12. seekingawayout

    seekingawayout Fapstronaut

    I don't know how to swim
  13. Learning opportunity...
  14. seekingawayout

    seekingawayout Fapstronaut

    u r right