Is it too late to stop?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Rich Holdaway, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. Rich Holdaway

    Rich Holdaway Fapstronaut

    I'm worried, I know I'm only just past mid thirties, but I have close too 30 years of sexual behaviors and porn addiction. That's close to my lifetime dealing with this.

    I've tried numerous times to quit but I wonder that I've known no other life beyond this could I ever get over it?

    I know looking at other people being 'normal' and wanting the same isn't helping, but I really don't want to be the man I am anymore.

    Its gotten to the point that I don't want to live any more and I have 3 suicide attempts already and I'm being seen very regularly by social workers because of various issues.

    I know this is really heavy, but for now I don't have anywhere else to turn to that understands quite like you guys do.

    I really want to live and have a healthy future, but don't know if I am past help :(
    Frijelkyro, Buddhabro and User047 like this.
  2. FromZeroToNinety

    FromZeroToNinety Fapstronaut

    No matter how you feel, no matter what you're thinking of doing to yourself, PLEASE, PLEASE remember that what you are going through is all chemistry happening in your brain. It's not your real self. Your real self is in your last sentence. Your brain does everything in its power to trick you to stay in your current state of addiction. Because of the chemistry of an addict's brain, it will make you feel angry, depressed, sad, tired, etc. so that you will eventually go back to porn to fill that void with a short-term gratification, which - as we all know now - will make you more miserable in the long run.

    As many of the people here have written in other posts, it is important to identify your trigger points, e.g. the times, behavior and situations that will make you PMO. We are all sitting in the same boat and that's why we need to have each other's backs. We are here to help. So keep posting. The more you post, the more hope and motivation will follow after reading the replies.

    Stay strong brother!
  3. I will win

    I will win Fapstronaut

  4. Rich Holdaway

    Rich Holdaway Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys, I'm actually crying right now, partly in relief at what's been said and partly with sheer emotional distress.

    I'm not going anywhere I just feel helpless at the moment. Today has felt worse than my relapse two days ago.

    I'll get there its just going to be the kind of fight I don't want, but then if it wasn't worth fighting for, what's it worth?
    waterworld and Tonytone like this.
  5. What's it worth? That's a question that only you can answer. For me I don't want to have PIED forever because of being an overly horny teenager turned adult who simply "couldn't get anything" so I turned to porn for a quick release.
    Tonytone and Rich Holdaway like this.
  6. I'm right there with you man. Same issues. I'm 7 weeks clean, but struggling to see how I can ever change after being this way so long. The depression over the past few days has been overwhelming. I often think about ending it all.
    The thing is...I've had some really positive results as well. I feel more energized, less shame and guilt. Overall, it's been a battle with extreme highs and lows. I'm hoping that my mood will stabilize so I will feel motivated to start making positive changes in my life.
    You need to try and get past those first couple of days. They can be the toughest. Once you get clean for a week or two, things should start to become a bit more manageable. Keep trying bud, and know that there are many guys in here that share your struggles. Good luck!
  7. User047

    User047 Fapstronaut

    I can't recommend you enough the book "You are not your brain", i think it might just be what you need to read.
    Like @FromZeroToNinety wrote, it is just your addictive brain speaking. That is not you, you are not those shitty thoughts and emotions.
    That book will explain you in details how those messages are formed and what you can do do deal with them.

    It can be really really hard from time to time, but this can be done. You can rewire your brain and live the life that you deserve!
    Tonytone likes this.
  8. FromZeroToNinety

    FromZeroToNinety Fapstronaut

    @User047 I just read the blurb of the book "You are not your brain" by Jeffrey Schwartz. I think that this book is serious and helpful enough to share in this forum. Do you agree? I will write a post about this and hopefully, people will recommend it to other users here too.
  9. User047

    User047 Fapstronaut

    I am reading and rereading that book for the last couple of months. And I can't recommend it enough. It is a great read for the people who are struggling with addictions, anxiety, procrastination...
    What makes it so good is the fact it is very practical.

    Go ahead and write :)
    I am working on a guide on "How to withstand cravings, rewire your brain, and end this addiction permanently". It is based on the thing I have learned from that book, I believe it will helpful to many people.
    But reading that book is actually better :)
  10. its a matter of small steps, the forums can be a bit too intimadating in that sense, but do keep coming back.

    dont be angry with yourself, you are here as you know you need to change

    you can do it

    i am also about 22 years of porn and other issues.....some sex related, some gambling....etc etc

    its taken a fucking load of time to fix...and porn is the lingerer.....but i assure you, it comes with time and some patience, and you will feel empowered

    so dont give up

    seek help if you need it, even a councillor etc

    but its worth it man

    good luck
    Frijelkyro and Buddhabro like this.
  11. 5adn8m8

    5adn8m8 Fapstronaut

    I think there are several things you need to know:
    first of all don't try to get rid of your feelings. there are no negative feelings.what you consider abnormal is only natural. let your feelings flow. try this affirmation: I am at ease with my feelings and thoughts.I let them flow and I trust the process of life.
    second I recommend you to meditate daily.there are no wrong or right ways of doing'll find your own suitable way through the time.meditation helps you to discriminate between thoughts and your true self. You are not your thoughts.
    and after all I recommend you to read this book : You Can Heal Your Life from Louise L. Hay.her story of life was much more painful than any of us.but she made it.
    dude you're a divine magnificent expression of were born to do something that no one else can.that is why considering suicide is such an absurd mindset!
    I'm sure you will succeed and will help others to achieve their goals just as you did.
    life loves you!
    good luck!
    Rich Holdaway, Buddhabro and User047 like this.
  12. Please don't stop trying. It's VERY TOUGH, but only for the first 15 days. THAT'S IT.
    Then it will become a habit and before you know it, you'll be normal too. Stay busy for the first 15 days of your reboot. So busy you don't have time for any other stuff except eating. You'll be free form porn before no time at all.
    And even if you relapse don't beat up yourself for not going even the 15 days. Think about like I did manage 5 days clean and then next streak try to improve on it.
    And lastly, DO NOT BINGE RELAPSE. It is the worst thing you can do to yourself.
    Go through the storm and I promise you, you'll not believe how beautiful life is :)
    Rich Holdaway likes this.