Is staying naked one of the triggers

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Kyle Anderson, May 2, 2016.

  1. Kyle Anderson

    Kyle Anderson Fapstronaut

    Is staying naked one of the triggers to PMO?
    so we should be covered up as much as possible?
    I get used to be naked when I am alone...
    Am I weird? I worry that could be one of the triggers...
  2. Redominion

    Redominion Fapstronaut

    Only you know for sure what triggers you and what doesn't. However, categorizing things into "trigger" and "not trigger" is too narrow a focus. Just because something doesn't directly evoke an express urge or particular fetish doesn't mean it isn't conducive to relapse. For example, spending a lot of time alone (which, at root is what facilitates the nakedness) is not, in and of itself, going to cause you have an urge - indeed, being out in public is much more likely to bombard you with sensory triggers - but it does create an environment in which any urge which does arise is more likely to be acted upon. Likewise, being naked means one less practical impediment; our minds tend to associate practical impediments with stages of escalation where our willpower has the opportunity to resist, so in effect being naked means your mind is already looking ahead to the next layer of resistance when the urge does strike. Better to keep as many things in the way as possible.
    philstronaut and Kyle Anderson like this.
  3. thisguy1

    thisguy1 Fapstronaut

    To be honest, being naked kinda triggers me. I don't think it's weird. If you feel good about your body and you get triggered, that means you think you look pretty good. I like to stay covered because it's a trigger for me. Although I never fapped in the shower before.
  4. Kyle Anderson

    Kyle Anderson Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the thoughtful input, what do by the last word?
  5. Kyle Anderson

    Kyle Anderson Fapstronaut

    Recently, to flight PMO, I have to conscientiously avoid touching my genital, avoid staying in the bath room for too long by taking quick showering, avoid sexy pictures on the net and so on...
    Sometimes I would think if that is too much for me?
  6. RunningMan22

    RunningMan22 Fapstronaut

    Being naked, showering, etc. have been my biggest triggers, especially in this season of life when I'm hardly ever alone due to having two roommates, two bedrooms (not a whole lot of space), and I work with the guys I live with. If it's triggering then it could definitely be good to stay away from it for a while.
  7. vycanis

    vycanis Fapstronaut

    what high school did you go too?