I've just started my first streak yesterday and I'm already having trouble overcoming urges.

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by whoiwannabe, Oct 4, 2020.

  1. whoiwannabe

    whoiwannabe Fapstronaut

    I started the streak on October 3rd 2020 and this is much much harder than I could have imagined. I'm going full Cold Turkey and I really want to be able to have a decent streak and just maybe even be able to overcome No Nut November.

    How did you all find ways to make your urges go away? Anyone have any good tips at all? Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  2. So sorry to hear that you’re currently experiencing urges. Here are a few things that have helped me: go running or exercise for 30 minutes, take a cold shower, go talk to someone, don’t be by yourself, go do something nice for someone else, go for a walk, call up a friend or talk to your parents, watch your favorite movie, work on your hobbies or start a new hobby, go do something that you have been procrastinating, be productive, and above all else, don’t go sit by yourself with no plan with your phone or computer and just hope that you can hold on. I hope you can use some of this advice. I know how difficult those urges can be to overcome. The more you resist, the stronger you’ll become. If you keep resisting, in a coming day the urges will become much easier to resist because you will have gained a lot of strength from resisting past urges. Keep up the good work! You can do this! Make a plan and succeed!
  3. whoiwannabe

    whoiwannabe Fapstronaut

    Thanks Jefe! Currently I decided to go through my massive music collection and just listen to some albums that I need to. Also making a playlist and ranking my favorites. After that I'm going to finish up a school project early so that I have it done before the due date. I think the hardest part is being able to fill the time lost from not masturbating anymore. I feel like I'm very fortunate to be able to have lots to do.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  4. No problem! Sounds like a good plan! You’re right, once you get rid of PMO, you must fill that void with something more worthy of your time. Being productive really helps me feel good about myself. It is the opposite of how PMO makes me feel - worthless and unproductive.
  5. By the way, welcome to NoFap! :)
  6. whoiwannabe

    whoiwannabe Fapstronaut

    Thank you!
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  7. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Welcome to the community. :)

    I use music a lot. YouTube is not always a good idea because a lot of videos are filthy. I use Spotify a lot and they make playlists for you based on what you listen to. I also have a massive music collection. :D It is good to have a distraction. If I am finding urges especially hard to deal with, I go to a lyric site and read along (or sing along) with the track. It takes more concentration and therefore blocks intrusive thoughts and images of porn etc. So yeah, keep busy buddy.
    Jefe Rojo likes this.
  8. eric9000k

    eric9000k Fapstronaut

    when you feel your hand reaching or grabbing places it should you shake it off and say NO BAD just change your impulses, impulse control is the biggest obstacle and if you have the GUTS to put some limits on your behavior you will feel MAGIC BENEFITS
  9. whoiwannabe

    whoiwannabe Fapstronaut

    Me personally, I used to use Spotify under a family plan (aka I wasn't paying, haha), but now I'm one of those dirty Apple Music users. Basically makes it easier since I've started to get into the whole apple ecosystem. I was gifted the latest MacBook Pro, I bought an iPhone, I'm too far in to go back, lol.

    I love bootlegging, so it ends up helping me quite a bit for some urges. Getting to find some new bootlegs, live albums, or just cool vaporwave albums off of sites like archive org (not a plug mods, just the site I like using) is just such a neat thing to me.
  10. whoiwannabe

    whoiwannabe Fapstronaut

    That's not happened to me yet but I got very close to cracking today. Within the first day too! I didn't think it would be this hard but I guess that's just what a true addict would say.
  11. eric9000k

    eric9000k Fapstronaut

    It's hard and yeah there are different responses to different elements of the urges you need to think holistically

    There are mental exercises to let intrusive thoughts flow away you can not block them or fight them they must just be and then begone
    However the behavioral element is within your control, but this requires a different part of your brain, it's called executive function, and it's the big boss upstairs

    Nobody (other brain regions) really listens unless he FORCES them to listen ya feel me. Impulse control is seated in the executive region, and impulses are different from obsessions or compulsive acts. Impulses are just short-circuited fast track junk food type things that you actually do have control over you just don't want to because it's a war with your brain yeah
    whoiwannabe likes this.
  12. whoiwannabe

    whoiwannabe Fapstronaut

    I gotcha with that. Never really thought of it before like that, but it does make sense. Thanks man.
  13. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    One thing that helps me is "of course you're having trouble overcoming urges" it can lead to acceptance. Why do you need to make your urges go away?
  14. whoiwannabe

    whoiwannabe Fapstronaut

    Well I don't really need to but it would certainly make it easier.
  15. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    That's a very good answer, what were taking about is similar to some helpful stuff from above.
    I hear she people are able to make the urges go away, it does not seem to be the case for all of us and not importantly as you've noticed it is not required for a satisfactory solution :). It would make things easier but if it might not be in the cards and there is a solution that doesn't require urges to go away that would be a good place to focus, that's what I do. Often for me wanting urges to go away (which I still feel just less often) is mostly about pride: I shouldn't have these thoughts because they're bad and I'm a good guy. What if I'm just a guy? Free me up to focus on not hurting people through pm+ and being more helpful to people in general throughout the world.