Looking for advice regarding muscle building

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by vjbu, Aug 7, 2017.

  1. vjbu

    vjbu Fapstronaut


    I am a highschool student, 1.77 m tall, I weigh 67kg and would like to get a more muscular and visible abdomen and arms. In the past two months I did daily abdominal crunches using an instrument similar to the photo attached. Specifically, I managed to get to a point where I could do 90 without a break. However, the crunches I did did not involve my entire body touching back. Therefore, I tried to do 60 crunches daily in sets of two, where my entire body including my head would touch back, which was way more difficult. Currently I am on holidays but I want to start an effective excercise scheme as soon as I get back home, that will involve crunches and push-ups. As a result, before I waste my time and effort in something non-fruitful, I though of asking here for recommendations. I am combining this with a healthy and protein-rich nutrition. I am not pressured by time and I understand that the process is slow.

    Would you suggest me to go for daily abdominal crunches and push-ups? If not in what amount? When should I expect to see results?

    Will nofap make my excercise more effective?

    Is weekly cardiovascular excersise necessary?

    I am eagerly waiting to read your replies.

    Thanks for reading.

    Attached Files:

    LivinginRecovery likes this.
  2. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    Try internal weight training. Mixes cardio with weight training.
  3. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    I meant interval
  4. Stupid Monkey

    Stupid Monkey Fapstronaut

    I think you should focus on squats, lifts and bench press. Those are the exercises that will improve your entire body because they work out the biggest muscle groups. It does not help to have big arms if you don't have a big chest as well.

    Take those exercises as a basic and add some chin ups, dips and rows and you are good.

    Just try to either improve the number of repetitions of every exercise or the weight every session. Personally, I always add weight if I managed to do 12 reps in an exercise in the session before. If I manage the higher weight for 12 reps too, I will add more weight next time and so on.

    All the best
  5. Discípulo

    Discípulo Fapstronaut

    Besides the obvious physical training, you should try semen retention and some form of concentrated protein (such as Spiruline), that will give you the energy and restoration capacity needed for building muscle mass. Don´t forget that constancy in training is fundamental.