M without P

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Ghost237, Nov 14, 2019.

  1. Ghost237

    Ghost237 Fapstronaut

    I’m currently on day 16 of my no PMO streak and the urges are killing me today. Not so much to watch porn, but every little sensation has me feeling like I’m going to explode. So is M without P a bad idea during a reboot?
    Hold it in likes this.
  2. Dont M bro, it will effect you negatively. To fight the urges take a cold shower or take walk. Do some push ups or just meditate and take deep breaths
  3. Ghost237

    Ghost237 Fapstronaut

    Man why does this shit have to be so difficult. I just keep trying to remind myself that a healthy sex life is leagues better than one release right now. I appreciate the motivation my brother. Thank you!
    dankestmemes likes this.
  4. Np, i think its hard because thats the price we gotta pay to for the years of indulgence. We just gotta pull through. Just dont pmo even if u wont sleep all night. Just keep going through the blizzard. It will stop after some time
    Ghost237 likes this.
  5. Deforio11

    Deforio11 Fapstronaut

  6. Jamwan14

    Jamwan14 Fapstronaut

    Fuck porn my dude. Fuck masturbation without porn. It’s how your brain gets a dopamine rush. It’s similar to using drugs/ smoking cigarettes in a way. Cut off all the PMO. It’s like quitting an addiction. Good luck on the journey bro.
    Hold it in, Ghost237 and vad like this.
  7. Ghost237

    Ghost237 Fapstronaut

    It’s crazy how our brains rationalize things. I’m over here telling myself “oh one time without p isn’t too bad”. Willing to throw away my whole streak for nothing. Thanks guys it means a lot. Let’s keep fighting strong
    Hold it in and Deforio11 like this.
  8. Try 90 days without pmo and then you can try regular masturbation.
  9. Demodectic

    Demodectic Fapstronaut

    Dont edge or try masturbing without an ejeculation. It will set back your progress. In my case I went "too far" and ended up cumming. But the main reason its not wise is because we are trying to reboot and that means to avoid the dopamine rushes but edging activates the dopamine and so does steeping your mind in sexual thoughts or fantasizing while in bed. Just redirect your thoughts to something else.

    During your reboot just DONT think about sex at all if possible. This is an exercise in mental mastery. Think of your mind as a horse and that YOU are the rider. Dont allow the horse to gallop off wherever it wants to because you have the reigns in your hands to redirect the horse.
    RightEffort likes this.
  10. PeterGrip

    PeterGrip Fapstronaut

    I ended up doing MO in several of my streaks, arguing that I'd just be abstinent from porn. Every time I ended up with PMO a few days after MO. Don't do it man! Even if you MO it does nothing good for you.
    Deforio11 likes this.
  11. SelfControlIsTheGoal

    SelfControlIsTheGoal Fapstronaut

    I think it makes people fall back into P, but if you think you can handel it, I don't think just MO is horrible
  12. Ghost237

    Ghost237 Fapstronaut

    So I’m not gonna lie, I kinda sorta edged a little bit in the shower. But once I snapped back into reality, I turned the shower all the way cold and just let the cold water hit me. I’m not going to count it as a relapse, more so just a win over the urges. Thanks for the help guys. Going to stick to try to stick to no M. Seems like the best option
    PeterGrip likes this.
  13. I'm in the same boat. Just think to yourself, if you could only have ONE of the two for the rest of your life, would you rather ejaculate on napkins or inside vaginas? You know what you want so get it!
    Ghost237 likes this.
  14. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    trust me bro, dont m, the only end if you do it is regret
    just wait for your wife. M has no intimacy
    dankestmemes and Ghost237 like this.
  15. Let me tell you, I'm at the end of Day 8 of PIV-only ejaculation. Just this short time I'm viewing my wife and other women the way I'm supposed to. Instead of lusting after porn actors, I want the real deal. When it does happen, it'll be so great. It's what we're built for, literally.
  16. Yep. I was tricking myself into thinking Once a week I'll jack off, well that was fine until it wasn't. (It's worked for me in the past but that quickly spiraled downwards for some reason) Long story short it didn't work, lead me right back to f*cking porn

    Uhhhhh. I need a reboot and am doing Hard mode until I have a Wet Dream.

    Then we will see what happens. I'm 5 days going on 6 now, hopefully this wet dream happens soon because I'm pretty miserable, lol
  17. Yes this is a good post.

    I know in my experience at first it is harder but once you commit to it its is actually easier to do this without M.

    The challenge is in your own mind, if you RESOLVE to let go of the idea, it will be easy.

    but until you get to that level of resolution it will be harsh as fuck. :)

    but this is what is fun about it - we are challenging ourselves to become our most disciplined awesome self, and every day is a battle and we should face it like a warrior.

    Falling in love with the temptations urges and feeling depressed that we cant masturbate.
    Ghost237 likes this.