Make yourself stronger by being honest. Right here, right now.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ForABetterLife20, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. ForABetterLife20

    ForABetterLife20 Fapstronaut

    Being brutally honest isn't fun. To be honest, it sucks.
    But if you, and I, want to stop fapping and watching porn and crap like that, then you need to be brutally honest with yourself.
    To quote another user named SolidStance: "Our purpose is to be exposed to this world and learn from it. We fall, we hurt, we crash unable to be fixed. Eventually we rise out of that hurt and pain and reverse what seemed permanent. Our learning turns into experience, our experience turns into knowledge, our knowledge turns into wisdom. The highest good is to then show others they way when they begin to fall and hurt and crash. Life presents us with challenges because that is what it is built for."
    Start here, start, or continue your journey of no PMO or whatever you set for yourself
    And don't give up
    project2501 likes this.
  2. ForABetterLife20

    ForABetterLife20 Fapstronaut

    I wasn't going down the creationist route. In fact I am a Christian. But, just because I'm a Christian doesn't make me think differently about certain topics or aspects. In fact, I agree with you, it doesn't make sense that God or a supernatural being who created the earth would give us the dog-eat-dog circumstances to live in in which we have to make these decisions. But at the same time it does. If in fact there is a god, then he would want us to make the right decisions right? Even if they were hard? That's what we're doing here. It's just that most of us make the wrong decision for whatever reason. And what I was saying, or at least how I was interpreting "Our learning turns into experience, our experience turns into knowledge, our knowledge turns into wisdom. The highest good is to then show others they way when they begin to fall and hurt and crash. Life presents us with challenges because that is what it is built for." is that some of the challenges we face in life we are meant to fail, so that we can learn from them, so that we can then show other people how to succeed where we fail.
    I hope that made sense.