Mandalorian Challenge 100 Days + [OPEN]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Wolfyoufeed, Dec 26, 2019.


So you want to be a Mandalorian?

  1. “This is the Way”

    147 vote(s)
  2. “Hell no, paint a target on my back?”

    2 vote(s)
  1. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    Maybe you started to actually recognize that sometimes you might fail, but instead of losing time on being mean to you, you just acknowledge it more rapidly, which is undeniably a good thing! You understand what it is to fail, and you're more than ready to face adversity when relapsing might occur. Stay strong man, and take care of yourself like eating more vegetables, doing more exercices, even if it's not a great caloric or cardio-demanding exercice: just moving like taking a walk is a minimum and the brain likes it (you experienced it in the other post, why not trying to do more if it works for you? :) )

    Bless you man, we're here together
    hollyman, Gonarth and EndPornLiveLife like this.
  2. goldchain

    goldchain Fapstronaut

    Hey, Mandalorians!
    This is my second day, before relapse I had one week streak. Feeling good.
  3. EndPornLiveLife

    EndPornLiveLife Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    That sounds wonderful about your neighbours, exercising with you! Rock on!

    Thanks btw. I've gotta move forward, which for me means keeping up morning devotions, exercise (that one has been slipping) and not procrastinating my studies! I feel noticably better, more capable etc when I have done something on my studies, instead of just stressing about it.

    :emoji_arrow_up: @Gonarth What he said :emoji_arrow_up: Agree wholeheartedly. It's probably also a function of your grief.

    I just checked it out. That's an interesting take on what the song is about, I would not have gotten that at all!

    You're right though. It's something I'm no longer required to hold on to (or ever was, but it substituted for something that I need to get elsewhere).

    Thank you for the support btw! Yep, gotta pick myself up, even though I feel like my legs are weak, I'm hungry, and barely moving. Must keep on moving.

    After the rains come the sun. I like this :)
    Unhommebinsoft and hollyman like this.
  4. Day 2

    Two-day milestone has been achieved. Next target is 3 days. Slowly and steady I go.
  5. Thanks for the insight. That might actually be very true. Bouncing back straight after a relapse without shame is a good thing as I dont have to mull over the incident and even induce more shame which makes the situation worse. I will take more walks in the park for sure. I'm already doing exercises but my diet will definitely have to improve as I have been eating more junk food than usual and drinking too much soda.
  6. I think when one is productive and procrastinates less, one definitely feels better. The challenge is in staying productive and developing good habits that stick. Habits require a lot more activation energy initially before they become routine so I guess that maybe the challenge you are facing with exercise. For me at least, with my neighbours, they hold me accountable and I engage in exercise whether I like it or not. I know you will hack it especially considering you had a long streak.
  7. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    keep up the god work bro now try to go beyond u last streak, like 2 weeks maybe, try @Gonarth tips. its absolutely briliant, setting up mini target until one day u did not need that mini target anymore
  8. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    today i have an improvement on lessen phone usage, idk it just one day tho i hope it can continue.

    i do some different approach on it from deleting browser and silent the phone for most of the time

    ogling - phone addiction - procrastinate are list of enemy that i must defeat on this journey

    phone addiction really destroy my mood, social media create depression is real tho, and i afraid this depression lead me to relapse which actually happen back then

    stay strong fellow mando
  9. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    It's nice for you that you spotted those consumming habits, good job comrade. Wish you the best in regard of that side-battle. I have the same problem with anime, god I love them but they're so time consumming! Just like your phone habit, I'll try to reduce the time spent on those. We're in this together mando! One thing I found out is to do 2 activities at the same time: like listening to anime and drawing (the anime is like a background instead of a completely passive activity, so in some way, I'm not completely losing my time). Maybe the same can be made with your phone habit? Like while browsing on facebook or whatever, write something like a poem or a text about something you saw on the internet and that made you happy or made you reflect on something?

    What kind of other activities are you up to?
    Gonarth likes this.
  10. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    Day 32 check in: I really like that penguin ahahaha, keep up the grinding comrades <3
    EndPornLiveLife and Gonarth like this.
  11. Leonidas300

    Leonidas300 Fapstronaut

    Haven't checked in for a while.
    Day 5.
    Struggled a bit but was able to overcome.
  12. goldchain

    goldchain Fapstronaut

    Day 3 check-in.
    Do not feel any desires for now.
  13. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    well i love anime too, i even bought some Gundam lol

    currently im working on my project for my study, and this mobile phone issue distracting me from my project. and because of that my project often delayed.

    but i dont know maybe im taking these to extreme because i stop watching anime, stop playing vid game for this project. and i dont have any kind of entertainment to amuse me , yes i do some drawing but my drawing is bad at the moment, much of the time i dont really enjoy it . maybe thats why im so craving into youtube.

    i mean with this quarantine thing's, not to mention stressed at work and go home to study and working my project seem too much tho. idk maybe i re think about this

    haha thank you bro, i never realized this before i write this reply tho.
    Gonarth and Unhommebinsoft like this.
  14. Unhommebinsoft

    Unhommebinsoft Fapstronaut

    That's it man ;) Balance is the key in what you enjoy and what doesn't destroy you :) Gundam I never saw it: is it good? :eek:

    Maybe a good video game session can help you and, who knows, maybe YouTube time will be reduced!

    Hope the best for ya, it's super that you made that realization :)
    hollyman and Gonarth like this.
  15. Anakin66

    Anakin66 Fapstronaut

  16. Day 3

    Achieved the mini-target of 3 days. My mind is beginning to clear once again and my energy is returning. Next target is 4 days.
    Anakin66, hollyman and Unhommebinsoft like this.
  17. Wenceslaus935

    Wenceslaus935 Fapstronaut

    Day 3 check in!

    Was able to resist some pretty strong urges after exercising this morning. I found that taking a cold shower and diving straight into some work was the best way to clear my mind. I'm also trying to get into the practise of scheduling my days. Although scheduling has already improved my productivity, I am still in the process of learning how to create a plan flexible enough to allow time for unforeseen obligations.
  18. goldchain

    goldchain Fapstronaut

    Day 4. Little bored, but still motivated to quit this shit.
    Have been working fullday today, then home routine and physical exercises.
  19. goldchain

    goldchain Fapstronaut

    You're on the right WAY! Keep fighting.
  20. Leonidas300

    Leonidas300 Fapstronaut

    Day 6 checking in.

    Woke up late today then I took a walk.