Married Fapstronauts

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Nostrokin, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. Nostrokin

    Nostrokin New Fapstronaut

    I am a happily married 32 year old who is on day 3. I have a open-minded wife who I've shared my decision to NoFap/no-porn with and have asked for her help in succeeding. She was delighted to hear of my decision and I believe secretly excited to "help".

    Granted, I'm lucky because she is very attractive and enjoys sex. In fact, I think being honest with her has actually contributed to her sexual appetite towards me. She has began teasing me a lot with little things like not wearing a dress with no underwear to brunch yesterday and making sure I knew it.

    I am sharing this because for those of us who are in relationships, I believe that being honest with our significant others about our NoFap/no-porn journey can add a whole new dimension to the relationship.
  2. john13

    john13 Fapstronaut

    Oh,I definitely agree. My relationship with my wife has improved greatly since I've quit. Not it has made my life easier since I don't have to remember the details of any lies.