New Fapstronaut

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by wvvnted, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. wvvnted

    wvvnted New Fapstronaut


    Like many of you, I'm a 21-year-old guy looking to quit porn. I've been looking into quitting porn for about a year now, but I've never succeeded in staying away from it. I guess what first made me question porn was a few years ago when I was struggling to stay hard during sex. None of my partners could make me come - I'd always be the one to finish the job, and to do it, I'd have to close my eyes and imagine the dirtiest thought I could think of. These thoughts were most often pornographic images from videos I'd seen. From then on, I considered this pattern to be unhealthy and abnormal.

    I guess NoFap goes along with quitting porn, especially if you develop a pattern where only porn excites you enough to come, which was my case at the peak of my PMO obsession.

    I'm hoping with hard work, commitment and the help of the community, I'll finally be able to quit this debilitating habit and unleash my full potential.

  2. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Hi! Just wishing you all the very best.

    You CAN do this and there's plenty of information, help, and advice here and healthy balance of perspectives so help and be helped just by making an honest contribution.

    Anything I suggest below is precisely that, a suggestion, this is YOUR journey and it goes without saying that you are free to proceed in whatever way helps you stop and STAY stopped (even though I just said it!!;))

    You are stronger than you know!! Please visit this link...!!)

    ...and please take some time to help yourself and to consider how you are going to set about reaching your fullest potential from here on, which is a CHOICE only YOU can make and a journey only YOU can take.

    It's worth mentioning that I hear a lot of people refer to the struggle/fight/battle etc, but it REALLY doesn't have to be that way(not unless you want to get in your OWN way?!?!)...

    So stay strong, help and be helped, and keep going!

    Now here's a refreshing 'change'...

    The counter below has been helping me to establish a new habit. It is not a trophy. I simply decided to completely disassociate from pornography because I finally woke up to it and the damage it causes on so many levels and I encourage you to explore this deeper for yourself. I already KNOW that I will NOT be looking at pornography EVER again. Wishing you all the very best in all areas of your life...