New here, trying since January

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by dg1086, Sep 16, 2018.

  1. dg1086

    dg1086 New Fapstronaut

    Hi I’m a 31 yers old man from Mexico and I’ve discovered that i’m addict to porn and masturbation because it got me to divorce since I suffered of erectil disfunction.

    I’ve lost the woman I love for this and stress , lose plans, dreams and almost lost the desire to live. Thank god and my psychiatrist to help me but i’m still with the same issue, and it is a personal but HARD goal to get in my life.

    I want to enjoy life and to be healthy in my sexual life. I am not lookin to be promiscuous, but to live and love life as anyone else who enjoy family and friends.

    I hope i’m in the right path.
    Ameeet likes this.
  2. Hii...Welcome to Nofap community mate.And dont worry about ur problem.Here are so many people facing the same problemU r not alone here.U can share ur problem with them.All the best and do ur best...
  3. Ameeet

    Ameeet Fapstronaut

    @dg1086 welcome to NoFap, wish you luck,