NOFAP 100 floor Tower Challenge - The stairway to heaven. [OPEN]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Jan 5, 2022.

  1. This will be an ongoing challenge that you can join, continue, pause, rejoin as you see fit. The scenario is as follows...

    You have joined the NoFap community and in order to achieve your goal of rebooting, you are sent to the NoFap Towers and hotel. The hotel is located on an island just off of the coast of the United States. I'd like to personally welcome to the hotel, introduce some guidelines and help you establish some goals to ensure your success. As you can see, NF Towers is modest skyscraper built in 2022 consisting of a lobby and welcome lounge, 100 floors for you to participate in self development activities, support fellow hotel guests, and plan your strategy to advance to the next floor.

    You'll start in the lobby. Here you can choose to join the challenge or decline. To join the challenge simply post in the challenge messages that you are here and beginning your journey. There is an elevator that only grants access to passengers with the appropriate access badges. The elevator is also used to travel down from the above floors if guests reset their journey. You must climb the stairs to gain higher access to the hotel floors.

    Each floor consists of 24 steps signifying the hours in a day to reach the next floor. You can consecutively climb as many steps as you choose and go as far up the tower as you can reach; however if you break one of your own NF rules and reset your journey you must travel down in the elevator, begin at the lobby and climb the 24 steps to floor #1 again. You always start in the lobby and it takes 100 days to reach the top for all guests.

    YOU define your off limit activities based on your personal goals. You determine which activities constitute a reset. They'll be different for different guests. Some will be engaging in no sexual activity at all, while others may be accompanied by a lover and be able to have sexual encounters with that person. Some may even be allowed to masturbate provided that porn is not included in the affair. it's up to you to decide, and I suggest discussing your strategy with other guests in the lobby to decide which strategy is best for you at this time. At all times porn is not allowed in the hotel, and anyone caught even peeking at porn will be returned to the lobby. Psubs like YouTube, Instagram, and other social media re allowed at your discretion.

    To beat the challenge, you must reach the top floor of NF Tower, where you will be treated to a celebratory party and awarded a trophy. There are different trophies you can earn, and you can revisit the towers as many times as you'd like to attempt to earn another of the same or a different trophy.

    Trophies / Difficulty / suggested parameters

    Gold: Pro. 100 floors of no sexual activity, MO, PMO, porn, Psubs, peeking, etc.

    Silver: Hard: 100 floors with sexual activity only. No MO, porn, Psubs, peeking.

    Bronze: Easy: 100 floors with sexual activity, MO, Psubs. No porn, PMO, peeking.

    BADGES: At all times hotel guests will carry an access badge that signifies the highest floor they've reached before returning to the lobby. This may be represented in your signature block as "Level 75 in the 100 floor NF Tower challenge"

    VETERAN BADGES: Once a guest has reached floor 100 they may choose to continue to Veteran status. Veterans not only improve their own well being, they also encourage newer guests to continue their climb.

    Using the "G-S-B" symbol will represent clearing 100 floors of the tower and receiving the respective trophy. A guest that reached 225 days in the tower will be at floor 225SS for example if they earned two silver trophies or 225GS if they earned a gold and silver trophy during their climb. This honor will always be on their access badge regardless of resetting or pausing their journey.

    Once more, welcome to the NF Towers and hotel. I do hope that you find your stay here rewarding and fun. Cheers....

    DIRECTORY: (Under Maintenance)


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    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2022
  2. I'm obviously in, and I hit floor #1.

    Anybody care to join me? You will be allowed to count 1-5 JAN as completed floors if you already started, but the hotel is new, and did not exist in 2021 therefore prior days do not count for badges and trophies.
  3. LOBBY:

    Welcome to the lobby. Whether this is your first, fifth, or 50th visit, I hope that the info found here can assist you in prepping to set a plan to get started for your climb and succeed at reaching the first floor. The first 24 hours are critical in the NoFap journey and some have said they are the most difficult.

    If you recently relapsed, review what went wrong and write down your goals. What is your why for NoFap? Sometimes, simply reminding ourselves of why we are doing something can be enough motivation to gain some momentum.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2022
  4. I have reached the 5th floor of the tower. I did MO once, without looking at porn so only a Bronze trophy is achievable. I have decided to push forward rather than return to to the lobby.
  5. moulikladdha

    moulikladdha Fapstronaut

  6. It's wide open man....have at it.

    Reached the 6th floor today. No porn since 4 JAN early in the morning :cool:
  7. 7 floors complete. No porn or PMO. Wow it's been a while....
  8. Update. After reaching floor #7 I reached 9 full days with no porn,. I did MO on two of those days however.

    Then I relapsed on and off for about 10 days - mostly using porn on all but 3 of thm.

    I've gathered myself and restarted for a bit and I have reached the 8th floor. Silver badge.

    8 days no porn.
    8 days no MO.

    I have had relationships with my wife . Hopefully can fight off chaser effect.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2022