NoFap Became Easy or Low T?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by gandu_, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. gandu_

    gandu_ Fapstronaut

    Hey guys I'm 33 now and since 31st December I haven't touched myself at all, I never used to fap fully anyway but would edge to pictures of girls.

    Anyway I've stopped all of it but for some reason it's felt so easy I've had basically no urges whereas even last year I'd try to stop but wake up and start humping my bed.

    Why has it become easier? I still get horny, haven't really noticed huge changes but when I was 22/23 trying nofap I remember it would feel insane. Also I'm in a cold country and it's middle of winter so maybe due to the gloomy cold days I'm not as horny? Don't think that ever stopped me before...
  2. Same here, but i almost feel depressed. Aint feeling much of anything atm. I also live in a cold country up north. I probably have low T also.
  3. MLetho

    MLetho Fapstronaut

    I`m taking testosterone (750mg per week).
    NOFAP is lot harder when you have more testosterone, on drugs NOFAP is like playing with fire
    More testosterone more difficult
  4. GstutzIA

    GstutzIA Fapstronaut

    Flatline perhaps
    NfBigGlP likes this.
  5. gandu_

    gandu_ Fapstronaut

    Yeah but I don't actually feel depressed or anything I'm in a pretty good mood actually way better than when I used to leak semen daily.
  6. gandu_

    gandu_ Fapstronaut

    Lol wish I was in the states I could get T... I'm in Europe and it's a lot harder (they don't want guys on T here)
  7. A8X

    A8X Fapstronaut

    I dont understand the connection between this and low testosterone, but yes, lower T makes nofap easier.
  8. Thats true, i also live in EU. The only way in my country is to go to a private practice. It costs 300€ to get a diagnosis. Then you have to pay a montly subscription to get the T-shots. I might do this, have not decided.
    NfBigGlP likes this.
  9. MLetho

    MLetho Fapstronaut

    To be honest i`m taking T on my own. Previously i tried get help by doctors but the only dissapointed me. In Poland is almost impossible to find good doctor in this case.
    I was lifting for couple of years so i decided that more T is better than below norm. Now i have 10x norm, maybe more but trust me it is not a magic pill or injection
  10. yngmoney

    yngmoney Fapstronaut

    If you are a young man, it is best to do whatever you can to naturally boost T instead of taking test injections. Because if you start taking TRT then you will have to continue for the rest of your life because your balls will no longer make it. Diet, exercise, lifting heavy weights, and herbal supplements are all options to consider to see if it helps increase your T levels
  11. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    This is flatline my testosterone levels are 780
  12. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    This is a lie high testosterone does not bring an overflood of porn or sex urges, theyre different and the society pushes people to lower their testosterone
    yngmoney likes this.
  13. I am in my 40s. I already diet and lift but it is not going well. I have like zero drive.
    When i was 35 or something i tested my T and it was comparable to a 65y. Now in my 40s and it feels like i dont have any hormones in my body.
    No drive to to be interested in releationships or anything.
  14. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Which nofap day are you if below 365 days dont worry so much. Or follow my T increasing naturally guide i have for you
  15. Thanks for the advice but 365d nofap hardmode is not going to happen sorry. I have tried for 10 years. Most i have gotten is 3months.
    Its an unrealistic goal for me. I dont drink or smoke. I try and train and i eat healthy.
    I cut out sugar completely.

    The % of ppl that has the willpower to complete 365d hardmode is extremly low.
    Its like saying i am going to be an astronout.

    Nofap for me is more about healty lifestyle. Cutting out porn and cutting back on M as much as possible. Never doing M every again is like doomed to fail, especially on hardmode..
  16. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    365 days of nofap is your body getting back to normal. You compare other people with yourself i can finger count hundred of thousands of people who are even 2 years of nofap its not 2 years of nofap is living a normal life because body and mind is back to its original equilibrium. We cant commit nofap, quitting alcohol and shit on sheer willpower people merely only lack knowledge where quitting comes from. How do normal Japanese centenarians live? They dont even have sex or fapping and live till 100 so where is your excuse? Its impossible? Because once a fap is not a problem? Its been debunked that originally men are not ment to fap. You've been lied by the society so did i was until i got neurosis so do 1000000 others who got into pmo.

    And then put the blame game why my testosterone is low. Ask yourself critical questions. Fapping causes low androgen receptors. Why do people mention more muscle mass without working out as a benefit?

    ""Since testosterone relies on androgen receptors to facilitate the development of secondary male characteristics, increasing your androgen receptors can help to enhance testosterone's effect on the body, which can lead to improved muscle growth, bone density, and other aspects of male physical health""

    I dont push people anything but just giving them plain evidence how wicked the case of fapping is.

    Ps it took me an year to finally quit so im not telling you all rainbow and sunshines. What worked for me is not willpower because its equal to motivation that kills overtime so does willpower.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2024
    tawwab1 and Freeddom_Taker like this.
  17. If not willpower, then what? Life is not that great, its mostly pain so whats the motivation.

    I am sure i would have been happier as a Buddhist Monk or whatever and be cut off from this awful world. Living in a Temple and only meditate. If life were nicer there would be more incentive to try harder. I dont care if i live even to 60. Most i have gotten in term of closeness in life is a couple of platonic hugs and i am over 40.
  18. Completing a full year of nofap can be done. It won't be easy but it's doable. I've done it 1 time(16mo) though. There's another user here who had completed 16mo 2x but not in a row.
  19. SuperSaiyan99

    SuperSaiyan99 Fapstronaut

    Life is never great for a porno and masturbation guy. Make the switch.
  20. Thats impressive, no sex or fap for that long..

    While i agree its positive to stop and it makes life feel better it wont solve everything. I had autism issues my whole life, before fap and pmo.
    Developed slowly so i was the last of my friends to discover FAP and Porn. They had to tell me what it was.