NoFap Success Story Day 261 - Superpowers Are Real

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by thestoryofjob, Apr 27, 2016.

  1. thestoryofjob

    thestoryofjob New Fapstronaut

    Good Morning brothers,
    I frequent /r/nofap and wanted to share my success story video with you.
    NoFap has done wonders for me.

  2. Andyst343

    Andyst343 Fapstronaut

    Hello, congrats on reaching 261 days WOW well done. watched your video and totally agree about what you said, about chasing girls and doing stuff, exercising etc.
    Can I ask one question? Anytime during your streak did you fall off track? I don't mean orgasm or masturbate, any edging or peaking at pictures?? Im on day 60 but on day 53, I did do a little edging but I did stop myself, but it did put me off track a little, started to feel really really good, but it has put me off track a little, need to get that back. that drive...
  3. thestoryofjob

    thestoryofjob New Fapstronaut

    Thanks man! To be really honest I think I have only made it this far because I got a girlfriend around day 60. I have not been doing hard mode. So from day 60 onwards it was no P or M but I did O. I have definitely struggled at times with pictures but never really masturbation. I find the hardest part for me is honestly just browsing the internet and seeing lusty thumbnails for ads or lusty images on youtube. So much of internet advertising today is bait semi nsfw thumbnails. Another difficult thing has been when there are nsfw posts on the front page of reddit or nsfw comments on reddit. I dont know why but since doing nofap I have become hyper sensitive to lusty images. I dont watch any porn but just the hint of a lusty girl on the interweb gets my heart racing it is crazy. The one thing I have found is I have to sort of nip it in the bud. It can start out innocently looking at a cute girl in a dress on the internet but then it spirals into lust. Good luck brother. It is a good fight. One of the most amazing parts when I gave up porn is suddenly the girls in real life seem so much more attractive which is awesome. Including my beautiful girlfriend .
    Tiredrider, Andyst343 and startover90 like this.
  4. hej då

    hej då Fapstronaut

    I just saw your video on the youtube this morning. What a coincidence. Thank you for sharing.