
Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by PlasticBoy, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. PlasticBoy

    PlasticBoy Fapstronaut

    So i dont know how to start this. I am 21 year old, im a virgin and ive never kissed a girl. I got rejected couple times im my early teens and after that i lost my confidence. Back then i was a bit overweight, i dont blame any of the girls that rejected me honestly who would want to date a pig? Since then, i got into playing Counter Strike. Spent almost 5.5k hours and now im in a semi-pro team. Recently i started performing awful, and im really frustrated. I didnt think about my situation with girls until recently and now i realized that noone has ever told me "I love you". All of my teammates are in relationships and there is me, frustrated loser and i feel that im bringing my team down with my mindset. I dont know what should i do, i have been thinking about suicide but i dont want to hurt my mother... I cant talk to girls, because i feel like they dont need me. Who would want to date a depressed loser, right? I just need someone....
    SyrusDrake likes this.
  2. legolas_01

    legolas_01 Fapstronaut

    Hi PlasticBoy,
    First of all, you are not a pig. If you are here, that's because you have values and you want to change. That's a very good point and this is crucial for the future. Then, stop putting sentimental relationships with girls in the center of your life. Girls are humans like guys. Finding a girlfriend among them will come after. This is not crucial for your life now. You have to focus on your person and start changing things. The first thing you must do is to put away your videogames and start to go to gym. Workout is very important. You will start to love yourself and the image of yourself that you show to other people. Workout will free endorphin which is the hormone of happiness. Go running outside in a park (during the spring and the summer if you live in a snowy place), it is a little bit hard at the beginning but it is soooo fulfilling. You will start to love admiring the nature while running and your cardiovascular strength will grow fastly. Then start reading, you will realized how life is diversified. You will learn surprising things and you will feel more cultivated which will make more proud of yourself. Go to the library and take a little book (any subject) that seems interesting for you and start by it. Watch good and inspiring movies, it will help you to keep working hard. Then, try to meet new people, at the gym at the school, at events whatever. the most important thing is trying to leave your comfort zone, this is the way that will change you! And of course, never fap, this thing will destroy you.
    Good luck!
    Don't hesitate to contact me, i am available!
    Sorry for my english (I am francophone!)
  3. Tekkadan

    Tekkadan Guest

    You don't Need a woman to feel good about yourself. Before you feel happy alone, a woman won't Show up and if she does you're likely to push her away.
  4. SyrusDrake

    SyrusDrake Fapstronaut

    I know your pain. I'm 26 and I've never known the affection of a woman. Like you, I can't blame them. Any girl who would consider dating me would technically have to be considered mentally ill. But it still hurts. I can't and don't talk to girls because I have nothing to offer them as well.
    And like you, the only reason why I'm still around is my mom.
  5. Noelle

    Noelle Fapstronaut

    Man, you need some confidence pills! o_O If you want to get with a woman, there's absolutely nothing stopping you except YOU!

    My girlfriends and I are fairly open-minded. We give shy guys a chance when we're in the club (well, before I met my BF). But it's a two-way street. You have to put effort into looking good, creating a career, and overall taking risks and initiative to engage people of all sexes. You have a good "product". Now you need a "marketing team" to distribute that quality good to a wider demographic. It isn't easy. But the rewards - such as increased confidence, greater respect from friends and family, and overall a better standard of living - speak for themselves. Good luck!
    lemn likes this.
  6. Mattsfreedom

    Mattsfreedom Fapstronaut

    I'm 26 and have also never kissed a girl or been told that I'm loved other than my mother. I lost my virginity to prostitutes who I don't even know there name. A total of 5 different prostitutes. You're not alone in this but it has to be up to you to make the change.
    SyrusDrake likes this.
  7. Protagonist

    Protagonist Fapstronaut

    Girls are not everything in this world. If you can't get a girl to respect your feelings then maybe you should stop thinking about them and pay your attention to the one whom you love, your mom, for whom you are alive for.
  8. PlasticBoy

    PlasticBoy Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for replying. Now i feel better about myself, i talked to one guy. Next time i go to college i will force myself to talk to one cute girl, wish me luck :)
    m_brando and SyrusDrake like this.
  9. m_brando

    m_brando Guest

    "Do you feel like you're entitled to love?" was advice I got that hit me like a hammer. If I'm not making opportunities in my life for love, I can't expect it to fall in my lap. Depression is a hindrance, yes, but it's also a time to look within and ask yourself the hard questions. If you're thinking about suicide, definitely see someone about that. Have you thought about medication? **it can make you feel worse at first, takes a good several months to adjust and you might have to try different combos- very personal decision and takes commitment to get one mood meds.** Hoping you have a support system to go through that with. As long as you are trying, your teammates will probably cheer you on. And it is true that you become more lovable when you learn how to love yourself- not to say that depressed people aren't worthy of love, they very much are. (And for the record love is not the province of the hot or fit- average looking/sized people pair off all the time.)

    And another thing don't think of romance in terms of people "needing" each other to complete them or be a cure for happiness like it's an employment opening. Stay with me. Girl is not slot filler for feelings of emptiness, though they can be, that's not the foundation for meaningful lasting relationship- it's a recipe for codependence. You'll attract a fixer, or someone to distract from yourself by fixing- that's what need is. It looks great on the surface that everyone is paired off, but you don't see the messed up behind the scenes drama, cheating, boredom etc.

    Not recommending to project "I don't need anyone" or to force yourself to feel that way if it's not genuine.

    When you are truly ready for a relationship, feeling better and whole and truly open to a connection, you'll meet a person that you can't imagine not having in your life because of who they are, and because making one another happy is just what you do :) And this can happen sooner or later for everyone. There's no age or time of life where you are supposed to have found love.
    SyrusDrake likes this.
  10. PlasticBoy

    PlasticBoy Fapstronaut

    Soo, a bit of an update. So soon its gonna be my 4th month in the gym, and i lost so much weight with fixing my diet. But its not done, my biggest fear has became the reality. I have visited my doctor and he confirmed that i have gynecomastia. It fucking sucks, since surgery isnt free ( around 2.5k euros in my country), and i dont have money nor i will have in next 2/3 years due to college. I feel awful, summer is comming and i cant get out without an undershirt, and it gets pretty warm here where i live. ANd the things that has been pissing me off the most is that lypomastia surgery (which is just extra fat on your chest area) is free here where i live. For you that dont know what does that mean: IF YOU ARE A FAT MOTHERFUCKER AND YOU DONT WANNA LOSE WEIGHT, MY GOVERMENT WILL PAY YOU A SURGERY, BUT IF YOU HAVE JUST MEDICAL PROBLEM GOOD LUCK WITH FINDING THAT MONEY. This is so frustrating, i work out alot and yet i feel disgusted every time i look at myself in the mirror :/