Hi brothers! I'm with you on this, for me it's day 5. Together we will make a change and spread the word! Be strong
Superman In the team too. Day 1.NO urges so far. We are strongest league.No one can defeat us.Together we shall conquer the universe and be the strongest heroes.Together it is impossible to defeat us. I was all alone on my own again this evil human eating bastard during the past few years.THats why I continuously failed.BUt now I am not alone.I am in a league due to which I cannot fall.Not anymore.PMO your time is over now.ITs time for you to fall forever
I will be contiouosly helping you guys in your fight.I am with you in your fight.Your fight is my fight.Feel free to support. TIP OF THE DAY. FROM a nofapper. My longest streaks were when I was consistently taking cold showers. When you hop out the shower it feels as if anything is possible. Builds mental toughness and discipline.
Oh man. I love the energy here, i previously made a 15 days challenge and fell on my day 4 and the following day. But today im on day 2. Thanks you going for taking the journey together.
Remember the devil is a deceiver he wants you to keep watching pornography and destroy your life but together we can all do this and whenever you get the urge to do it just remember your not alone if u get any temptation just come post on this thread and talk to me I want us all to break free from these chains im tired of feeling angry,depressed,fatigue,no energy and terrible sleep and thats what pornography does but that ends today.
Day 5 awesome im glad to hear that my bro I reset myself back to day 1 to start with everyone else we got this
A full month amazing!! You are doing great and I love what you said I want that to be my lifestyle too!! When I hit those 90 days I will have the courage to just keep going but even a full month is awesome amazing job man keep it up and stay on this thread with us!
You got this man! We all do I reset myself to day 1 to start with the people that just joined and from here I will reach 90 days we all got this were in this together!!!!!!
purplehaze you are beast dude.We will succeed together.Meet you guys tomorrow with success.Everyday is a challenge.So everyday we can succeed and we will. Sweet goodnight to all.
TE="Purplehazeee, post: 472498, member: 73192"]A full month amazing!! You are doing great and I love what you said I want that to be my lifestyle too!! When I hit those 90 days I will have the courage to just keep going but even a full month is awesome amazing job man keep it up and stay on this thread with us![/QUOTE] Woow this is amazing dude. You are a great encouragement to the team my guy. Keep going
Day 2.Another successful day.Hurrah!Glad.I am happy.The farther I go from this vice the more I am relieved.Its amazing to get successful everyday.Its real amazing.IT builds courage and increases will power.No urges.Infact I started hating the feeling too. Success is achieved through everyday hard work instead of working for a single day.So my friends come here daily post your success,express your happiness which u get from killing your enemy and build your courage and will power everyday.Trust me it will help u in the days to come.Be strong.Be your best self.The self which everybody likes.You don't need social media or any other to get yourself liked by others.You are a true hero and have a reason and aim to like yourself and be liked by others.Goodluck for the successful next day. Btw my back is still paining as hell.I am not gonna spare u you evil bastard.I am gonna beat u to death. Tip of the day: "Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results" - T. Harv Eker.
Welcome @Phoenix333 glad to have you and like @ superman64 said above keep updating us. A journey to a thousands miles starts with a single step. Be encouraged dude.