Plucking & Cutting.

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Thoughts on Matthew 5:27-30...on lust.

    Why does Christ exhort us to cut off our hand and pluck out our eye when it comes to lust? I think it’s of benefit to think about the embodied actions of plucking and cutting. These are what I would call ‘severe’ actions. They are immediate, decisive, to the point. There is no delaying or oscillating - they are physical acts like ripping off a band-aid. They brook no wobbling, no argument - they are done quickly, painlessly, without second-thought.

    So we are exhorted to pluck and cut because of the nature of lust. Once lust gets a foothold, it is a very difficult thing to shake. Take the experience of peeking/edging, for example. It’s been my experience that when I engage in either action, I will inevitably relapse - maybe not immediately, but sometime in the near future. It is because I gave lust a foothold and entertained it in my heart. What I allow into my heart, comes to fruition in my actions, especially when it has the powerful vibratory capacity of something like internet porn (which absolutely overwhelms my system). I would be an absolute FOOL to believe that I can watch porn out of “curiosity”, and not eventually lose control over self and discharge that lustful energy that’s been created. And then, I am left hollow. In all humility I must admit to myself that I do not have that sort of energetic discipline to feel that energy and not discharge it.

    So I think the metaphors of plucking out our eye if it causes us to sin (lust) and cutting off our hand if it causes us to sin (lust) is a beneficial one. The other thing is: think about it - lustful thinking, porn viewing and sexual behavior first enters in through our eyes. We gaze at a woman with lust. We look at a suggestive picture. We watch porn. These things enter into us via our eye, and then translate to activity with our hand. The eye and the hand are connected. What I entertain with my vision, I indulge in with my actions (hands).

    I’m not religious, in any traditional sense. But I do get a lot out of scripture. When Christ speaks, I have the tendency to listen, whatever my opinions about religion are. I think these verses are serious tools we can use to bring awareness to the entrance of lust into our heart, and what to do about it. The moment I start entertaining fantasies, or willingly going after suggestive material, is the moment I am on my way to taking actions that run counter to my retention/nofap goals. Maybe this all sounds obvious. But I got a lot out of exercising the disciplines of 'plucking' and 'cutting' when I read these verses yesterday.

    Plucking and cutting. Pluck out lustful thoughts immediately. Turn your gaze. Move a muscle. Divert yourself immediately. Cut off the inroads to lust. Cut off the habitual fantasizing, checking-out of females, the re-visiting old haunts (phub), etc. The relapse starts with the eyes, and ends with the hands. Hope this stimulates some thought and is helpful. Be well.
    Tao Jones and timcia like this.