Porn Blockers

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Drew140, Jul 29, 2017.

  1. Drew140

    Drew140 Guest

    I have found porn blockers to be very effective. I didn't use one on my first reboot and did ok but I installed porn blocker just as a little insurance for my second try. They don't just block porn but pretty much anything sex related so even trying to search for anything is useless. I've also noticed they have killed my fantasy capacity in my brain. The urges are bad but I have no stimuli to help me act on them.
  2. Infern0

    Infern0 Fapstronaut

    Yeah they do help, they are not watertight by any means but just knowing they are there and that i would have to "circumvent" them helps me quite a bit.
  3. Fork2323

    Fork2323 Fapstronaut

    They saved my life! I ONLY have my 6 months of time because i have them on all my devices and also the entire internet turns off 10pm..
    I found that when im not triggered im fine.. but life happenes and bad shit can go down that would make me go back to old habits to escape the pain.. now i cant do that..
    SuperFan likes this.
  4. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    They're an absolute necessity for me.

    And while I would never say this to anyone directly, I think anyone who dismisses filters as a crutch is just dooming themselves to repeated relapses.
  5. HondaKev

    HondaKev Fapstronaut

    Yeah man, I use Covenant Eyes and it's the BEST. I also got rid of internet from my phone- I just use some apps and the phone function haha. Also, internet cuts out at 11. Keeping it away may be hard, but it's the best thing to do if you want to stay away. I wish I could just not have wifi. That would be bomb- literally would have no temptation because I couldn't watch.
  6. I've used blockers for years and non of them help : (

    I used the blocker called K9 Web Protection, it was a very good blocker... But in doing so, I had to give up control of my own computer, I wasn't the admin anymore, I didn't have my own password, I had to rely on my family to put codes in every time I wanted to do something, it even made it impossible to play certain video games, and even with so much stress from it, I had it for close to a year, it didn't help, I found loop holes, I worked my knickers off for sometimes up to an hour or more just to bypass it, I even went as far as MAKING porn (I 3D model, my skills are to powerful for my own good) so a year later, it did me no good, and it only blocked me from my other things, I just gave up on blockers all together.