1. Anonymous user

    Anonymous user Fapstronaut

    Okay, so I am in day 9 of being without Porn and Masturbation and I have ended up watching porn. I feel disappointed in myself, but I have not masturbated as of yet.
  2. Andrew0268

    Andrew0268 Fapstronaut

    Change as fast as possible. Get away from it if you want to really quit. If you give it an inch it will take a mile..... Get out and get away from porn... so many guys here have relapsed (me included) when you gave porn an inch.
  3. atmatm23

    atmatm23 Fapstronaut

    I think porn is the real problem for most people. If I watched porn and fapped, the post shame is much worse than if I just fapped using my mind. Porn is addicting as everyone on this forum knows. You have to realize that porn is not real. Nobody has sex for an hours on end. All the participants are actors and most of the emotion expressed in these films is artificial as well. At the end of the day watching porn is just watching two people having sex which, if you think about it is disgusting.

    Sorry for the grammar, I typed this really fast.
  4. Anonymous user

    Anonymous user Fapstronaut

    Should i have a fresh start tomorrow, or try my best not to masterbate?
  5. Anonymous user

    Anonymous user Fapstronaut

    By the way, thanks for the responses. I was doing well until today
  6. Andrew0268

    Andrew0268 Fapstronaut

    Start fresh right now. Quit putting it off till tomorrow. If you fall off get RIGHT back on. Don't wait till tomorrow. Time spent waiting is your enemy. Acknowledge your mistake, feel whatever you feel, then correct your action. Don't berate yourself, don't get down on yourself, just get back on the horse....

    I'm talking to myself as much as I'm talking to you. I wish I would have had someone who told me this before. Any liberation or good feeling that come from PMO come with a heavy price. You can get the same benefits with no cost from other things... associating with family/friends, learning, exercise, reading, playing a game, pushing yourself in some other endeavor, a massage, cooking a good meal.... PMO comes with a heavy price.... I didn't know the price when I started, but I have to pay it now. Pay the price for quitting, it is always cheaper now then later.

    Good luck.
  7. Lemonquack

    Lemonquack Fapstronaut

    Don't masturbate. One time in particular when I was on the NoFap it watched porn. Then my attitude was - fuck it I've already failed so I might a swell masturbate.

    Anyway the obvious thing is to stay away from both. But if you slip up with either do not let this "what the hell effect" take over. It can lead to a binge because your thinking I've already failed so it doesn't really matter.
    This slip up does not have to lead to fapping. And vice versa.
  8. Anonymous user

    Anonymous user Fapstronaut

    How do I put my mind at rest. Thanks for your response, I appreciate all responses as always.
  9. Get some sort of porn-blocker, just so access isn't a click of a button away - so that you have some sort of barrier. Stopping porn is equally as important as abstaining from masturbation. Delete your stash, have that mental attitude about it. Good luck.