Post Relationship Progress

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Uyorio, Mar 26, 2022.

  1. Uyorio

    Uyorio New Fapstronaut

    Hi there, haven't been here in years. Maybe it's interesting to get a little background story going on. Years ago I had a poor dating experience and a porn addiction. I felt useless and already had low self-esteem. In December of 2020, I got a new girlfriend that I thought wouldn't last long because we had a lot of differences. Surprisingly, we made it a year and three months until she broke up with me on Thursday because she didn't have a lot of feelings for me and she wanted to be free and not dependent on a relationship. She told me she saw me as her best friend and I was honestly fine with that for the time being. I don't have a lot of close friends and as long as she doesn't start dating other guys I feel fine. Ultimately, that's not what I'm here for.

    I want to take this time to spice up my life. I've always had low self-esteem which is partially why I think she broke up with me. I never really go out to parties or events and as I said besides her I really don't have any close connections with other people. You know that feeling that everybody knows who you are and recognizes you but nobody cares and moves on with their own life, it's exactly that.

    Now, I keep dragging this along. I mainly wanted to hear what your stories are when it comes to improving your lifestyles and/or becoming more confident. Even though I'd happily have another girlfriend again, I want to work on myself first and stop hunting them myself. I want them for once to come to me. Sounds very cliché and I don't really believe in alpha and beta types but it's worth a try. I'm just not sure what to improve on, especially internal stuff. It's really easy for me to break off bad habits which is what I'll be doing for some areas of my life but it is much harder to actually change your internal characteristics and go from the introverted "nerd" (god I hate that word) to the more sociably liked person I'd like to be. I totally understand it's not easy to change something that big. I might be a bit brainwashed by Jack Harlow he seems so relaxing and confident and if I'd like to be one person in the world it'd be him, but I'd love to hear your stories as well if you feel like sharing them!
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