
For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Hey everyone, I have a question. So there have been times when I would succeed at a long streak. Here’s the question. The farthest I’ve gone without PMO is 37 days, 19 hours. During that time, there would be times when I’d have severe urges to P, M and/or O. But I would reject them. But during the urges my caution would be going nuts, pumping absolutely crazy. Is this normal and what would be happening to me ? I would love to know.
  2. The mind and body may do odd things when deprived of what they are accustomed to receiving. This is what makes self-denial difficult and not something that everyone will see through to the end.

    If you are concerned there is a medical problem, consult a doctor. Otherwise, don't worry about it. Our task is simple: No P and no MO, no matter what.
  3. Okay, wow. Yeah, that’s true and I understand.

    im not concerned, I was just wondering. Okay. Okay, I won’t. Yes it is, but hard. Yeah, no, no and for sure.

    thank you.