Re-post, some words to encourage your Nofap life.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by DormantWonders, Apr 26, 2019.

  1. Keep learning about NoFap, try to do positive things like said above, the gym, other hobbies and good habits that empower you. P will Amore you, lie to you, trick you. Suck you in and make you believe it’s good. It’s a lie, a facade. Fapping will only trick you too for temporary pleasure. Then give you hard pain. then drain you. depress you.

    MMMMany of days I was sucked to nothing like a zombie from P. Brain fog. Shame, creepy sick thoughts so much disturbed behavior and secret life.

    While still the Real me, inside didn’t want to be with the perverted me. I wanted out. To kill that salve to P. I wanted Genuine dignity balance and a Grateful life to do good to live knowing I was living my best life life. I never let go of that voice that said you are better than this. We can change. You have that voice, you can change too.

    My/Your depression will get better, almost go away if you stay away from p. and as you go further more than 14 days, a few months, you will feel more balanced. Amazing! It true it returns to natural joy of pure and good things in life. Not corrupt and nasty. But clean and healthy. Natural and loving.

    Your relationships will get better too. Intimate ones or family friends, strainers. You will communicate with people, with no shame, look them eye to eye and express your rude self..

    Learn more. It’s a cunning addiction, once you think you are goood, it will. Reel back in your life so be carful. Stay in the NoFap path and balance awareness of it and also not thinking of it, just do new habits, goals. Be carful to not fight with it. Meditate transmute the wild hornet energy into other things like gym, hobbies, creatively, dance, run anything but not Dap. It will pass. You will be calm again. Go to sleep or go out. Rest is big.
    We do stupid shot when tiered. (Like write long messages on NoFap. Lol)

    I gotta go to bed and stop editing this.
    (Some Times this message sis talking to someone, I copy and pasted it) hope you got this far and I helped you. It’s helping me, bless you.

    I do my best to not look at pics, of Any hot woman or whoever you are attracted to since it will trigger you to possibly look at porn. At least until you are far on a new path with no P, it takes time. Don't give up but, if you relapse it truly not the end of the world and don't die, or think of anything close to that. it's not that serious to take your Life. it's only a sex addiction that you Can stop and get under control but it takes time. and learning and constantly trying., doing.

    You have had 20 years of training your self to go to P, and that is deep. It will take time to change to evolve from the old you, old habits. This is no excuse to keep them up or to keep giving up, no, you have to change as best you can, If you can go 90 days, great if you can stop PMO forever Amazing! I wish I could. and I recommend it, but, it may take time.

    I have also been into P for over 20 years. I live with that regret, that shame that hell. and when I relapse i feel depression too. But, you have to push through it, learn and try to not lose it, meaning "don't want to die". that's not good. Come on man, there are worse things a human can be doing. But, its still bad and you have to try and accept you messed up or failed and learn for the failure to empower you to truly change, try again, in 1-2 days after you will get stronger.

    …but don't forgive and forget to learn and apply what you learned, why did you give up. were you tiered, angry, lonely? were you running from another problem, something to escape from? could you have gone to bed, prayed, went outside, took a cold shower.? What can you do next time to stop from doing PMO. Use the lesson of what triggered you? Then think of why you want to stop. Why you Must change. and keep trying, doing. Learning, changing.

    Give yourself time to heal, to learn new ways to deal with the reasons Why you even want to escape to P. how to channel that sexual energy into New positive drives, New outlets, goals, accomplishments. It's Energy. direct it into something worth it, valuable. P is shit. you know it…

    Learn more. You heve been into P for so long that now, you got into Kinky fetishes like the shoes or hell, you could next be wearing them and acting like a woman. P, will mess your head up. But, its only because "Normal" stimulation is old news and boring to you now. since you Over did it with P. But, its can get back to Normal, and "regular sex" that is truly amazing in it own essence, will stimulate you again.

    The reason we go to weird of "shameful" fetishes is that we need More, when we "had it all" meaning we have seen so much, various things that without P, we would never see. that the Key, SEE, we didn't really experience it in real Life. but through a screen a monitor, a phone. a fantasy and our brain thinks it real, its does not know the difference. between real or imagined experience. so our basic instincts for survival get all messed up. We think we had all these women when we didn't. and had all these sexual encounters but, we did, and didnt. meaning we did through fantasy, visualizing we didn and its all messed up. out of balance to what is Real. so, once you balance out, get away from the Overload of options, P, O, and get your mind back, then get your body balanced and chemical nature, you will need less kinky or weird stuff. you'll see it for what it is. BS, gross, or nasty shit that corrupts your mind. People doing crazy shit cuz, they are over sex crazy and need More.

    Basically, all chasing a high they will never get enough of. You addicted to stimulation. the High. It's just like a drug, and when its stops working. or is not enough we need more. the next kinky thing, or weird thing. that makes us feel naughty, dirty, or High again, it only gets deeper, and more crazy and gross and basically you lose a sense of decency, self-respect or respect for others, for the human body, for life, and there are so many more things to Life that this sex, shit, this addiction, its a waste. get addicted to Life, to bettering your self. go away from the darkness, challenge your self to truly be the person you want to be!

    Be easy on your self if you relapse, forgive but Don't forget. Don't get used to giving up, if you do you will never change and then you should be hard on your self but, never to the point where you want to die. No, you want to Live!

    So focus on Living, and is PMO living? is it really that good? the 1 hour it takes to find, all that searching for, creeping, hiding being all weird, and secret in your world of pleasure, for what? the high, the lame high for 7 seconds of O. then What? Hours, days of sadness self disappointment. depressions. Learn to Know its not worth it. try ? harder, Do, Change and never stop being better than the yesterday you. be the New You!
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
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