Really need some life advice from my fellow brothers

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Islanders190, Jun 7, 2016.

  1. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    I know some of you have certain religious beliefs and may not believe in psychics but bear with me. A psychic a few years back told me that I will find somebody at age 28 who I could settle with. I'm 25 now and everything else the psychic has said since then has came true. Very scary to be honest . My sister even had a psychic reading recently as I never told her that my Psy said I would find someone at 28. My sis asked about me this different psychic also said 28. My question is I find myself kind of dragging through life as I know I still got a ways to go 2 in a half more years to be exact until I find someone .

    If you knew you would find a women In 3 years how would you react ? I feel like I'm costing through life not doing anything great with my life because I know I gotta wait till 28 to find the one .

    If you knew that in 3 years you would find someone how would you feel ? Would this depress you ? Please I need advice
  2. Child of God

    Child of God Fapstronaut

    Well, I don't believe in psychic readings and I don't believe it is certain you will meet this soul mate at 28. I think it might be bad for you to follow this too closely.

    BUT, you said bear with you and I see you are convinced of this, so I think I can put a positive spin on it.

    Lots of people are many years from meeting their "special someone", whether they know it or not, and what they need to do is be patient. Don't waste time worrying about what will happen or how you will get there, just enjoy life in this moment as it presents itself to you. That is what your other half is doing, I bet. Just take life as it comes and appreciate everything you have now that you may never experience again after you meet the person you are looking for.

    Also, please do you yourself a favor, if you meet someone great before you are 28, do not write them off because it went against your psychic reading. You may deeply regret that in the future.

    Good luck, buddy.
  3. Just be careful with this. You say "find somebody at age 28 who I could settle with". So maybe just because you find them does not mean you will settle. Or did she/he said said that you will 100%? I mean, you could find your perfect person, meet her and then let her get away cos maybe you thought it was not her, but somebody else that you were supposed to be with. Or you might meet her, settle with her and then brake up a couple months later cos you did not took proper care of relationship. So there is still possibility to mess up. Also, just because there is one perfect person coming for you ate age of 28 does not mean that there are no other possible perfect people for you coming sooner or later than 28.

    I would feel excited. At the same time I would feel pressured and worried cos I feel I haven't screwed around the block enough yet. Haha. But then again, if it's 100% determined that I would settle then I would assume that by that time I would not care about screwing around anymore, cos otherwise I would not settle. So mostly excited. And curious.

    That being said, my life does not revolve around women. At the moment it revolves around personal development and working towards the goal of being able to make living with my dream job. Working on my carrier. So when you say that it stops you from doing great things with your life, to be honest, I don't quite understand why. Do you feel that you need a woman to help you with that, that you can't do that alone? You lack emotional support maybe? Do you feel she will complete you? Do you expect her to be strong warrior princess on a white horse to take all your troubles way? Do you feel that great family is the ultimate success measure of life? Why exactly is that?
  4. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    It's like everything I did In life workout . self help. etc etc was to get a girl . I know that this is a bad way of living . For a majority of my life women have been the center of my world it's mostly what I think about . My world revolved around them whether I was with Somone or pursuing someone . I have been powerless over them for a while and porn and fapping doesn't help me either . But jus hearing the psychic say that the also my sister telling me the same age 28 I'm like kinda like blah. I feel like I'm just trying to get by life whether its drinking or fapping until that time comes . All bad habits and beliefs I know
  5. Whatever works for you at this time. We all have different motivations, drives and goals at different periods of our lives. There was a period for me where getting a girl was a big dream and motivation for me to do things and become better. To be worthy and capable, and stuff. So I get where ya coming from. I don't think it's bad. It's just... not very sustainable. Cos girls come and go, people divorce after 10 years of marriage. What then, your whole life falls apart? It's just not very sensible foundation to use for our lives. And what if you get a girl, what then? Do you stagnate? What would motivate you to go for your dreams then?

    External things in general are never sustainable. The best motivation is the one that comes from inside, from you. So to me it's not about what's right or wrong, or about somebody's idea of what should be the right thing. That's all BS. To me it's about what works. What is the most optimal. The most strong and secure. What makes the most sense. And that's subjective for everybody, cos we all have different goals and values. If girls as motivation works for you then great, nothing's wrong about that. But realize that at the same time you can add other things too, to give you maybe even more drive. You don't have to rely on only one thing.
  6. Icyweb

    Icyweb Fapstronaut

    I'm a Christian, so I do believe in powers outside of what can be physically measured. I think that most fortune tellers are fakes, a few are just crazy, and some actually can see into the future.
    The fakes can be very good at what they do. They can make some very general predictions that sound specific and personal, but are actually just lies. The same goes for the crazy ones, except their deception extends to themselves too. The real ones have their abilities from working with demons, whether they are aware of that or not. By doing that, they allow these evil spirits a subtle yet powerful influence in their lives. If I were you, I would distance myself from that.

    Human beings are not meant to know their futures. We can't handle that in a healthy manner. Your own angst over this issue is evidence enough of that. The future is not set. What you do now changes what will happen. Even thinking about the future changes the course of events from what it would have been had you not thought about it.
    Will you meet your future wife when you're 28? Maybe. It's as good a year as any. Or maybe it will be earlier or later than that. Don't live your life expecting the right girl to just walk into your life at a certain date though. Live your life right, be a good man, and accept that girl, whether she shows up tomorrow, on the day predicted, or in ten years. Life would be pretty boring if you knew what was coming. Not knowing is half the fun (and a lot of the "anguish" too, but you have to take the bad with the good.) If I were in your position, I would just live my life as if I had never heard of fortune tellers.
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