Really tired of being alone

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by RamboErecto, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. RamboErecto

    RamboErecto Fapstronaut

    So Im 30, Im tired of fighting, retaining was a potential solution but after experience it I discover that it helps me to feel better but I still alone.

    You already know the case: Good looking, fine person, living alone, having a job, working out, meeting new people.

    I just cant take it anymore, I want to kill myself
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Hold it in like this.
  2. Tud

    Tud Fapstronaut

    You need to do something against it! When you’re at home, the situation will not change by itself.

    Go out! Not for the goal to find something, go out to have fun and this will lead to what you’re looking for.
  3. RamboErecto

    RamboErecto Fapstronaut

    Tried to do something about 10 years and counting, Im really sick and tired of fight for nothing, I do changes in my life but I still alone. No one girl will love me no matters what I do. Im sick and tired, I wished never to be alive.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  4. Tud

    Tud Fapstronaut

    I think you have the wrong focus. You want something, you have aims, and you are fighting for this. But the way to go is not straight in those cases.
    In this case love yourself first and be selfish. Live your life in between the people and not beside them.
    I believe you will find what you’re looking for very indirectly and surprisingly.

    There is no alternative to improve an believe in yourself, or do you have one?
  5. TheLightOne

    TheLightOne Fapstronaut

  6. tanyi666

    tanyi666 Fapstronaut

    You really need somebody loves you, cares about you. So do I.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  7. StonePlacidity

    StonePlacidity Fapstronaut

    have you ever asked yourself: why am I fighting? What am I fighting for?

    Without a goal or aim, it will be hard going through this journey. If you're genuinely tired, then stop fighting! Nobody is forcing you to do nofap, but YOURSELF!

    Why are you here? You want to be a better version of yourself, so do it! Stop grumping and start working. Why are you alone? Is it your problem or other people's problem? We live for a reason, don't waste this precious life as you're not going to get a second life.
  8. RamboErecto

    RamboErecto Fapstronaut

    Today I go for lunch with a girl that I tought that we were fine, then she rejected me and now im feeling like shit.

    Want to kill myself, but I cant even do that

    I even take the blue pill before, thinking that I would have sex, then I dont and I wated a very expensive pill

    So, everything sucks, and unfortunately theres nothing you can say to help me or makes me feel better

    Not want to live anymore
  9. RandomStrangerOnEarth

    RandomStrangerOnEarth Fapstronaut

    What about making some friends but really taking the time to know them? Try to not go in with expectations for sex and just have fun with what's present and taking it one day at a time. I never had sex before but to be honest I think it's probably overrated and it seems to go by so fast that you realize it wasn't a must have unless you're already deep in a relationship and want to have a family of some sort. Overthinking can sometimes get the best of you at times and just be in the moment.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  10. w95chris

    w95chris Fapstronaut

    Enjoy your own company and be happy on your own. Don't start with: "Oh I can't I tried it and blah blah blah" you want to be miserable all your life? You'll be an old man who curses kids for stepping on his lawn. Or worse people will avoid you like the plague because you would be depressed all the time
    Say that you are in a relationship what would change? You can be in a relationship and still be alone. What never thought of that have you?
    Try something because you want to, because it will make you feel better. Not because you expect something from it
  11. w95chris

    w95chris Fapstronaut

    Great and why spend time typing here? A girl rejected you and now you feel like shit? Well get in line! Everyone feels like that after a rejection but there's two choices here:
    1) Keep complaining and become "the moaner"
    2)Pick up your pieces and move on. We all get tired sometimes but it takes effort to keep going and this is what you must do in order to move forward

    Take your pick
  12. have you thought about dating other dudes as an experiment?
  13. Deleted.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 20, 2019
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  14. Demodectic

    Demodectic Fapstronaut


    I know how you feel, I have been there. Take these days to work and improve on yourself and read books on dating such as 3% man by Corey Wayne and books on how to make new friends. So long as you work to improve yourself and also if you study the methods on how to make new friends and get dates with girls then you will not be alone for too much longer.

    Dont give up when the miracle is just around the corner.
  15. Felix0071

    Felix0071 Fapstronaut

    I am looking to develop a sincere and deep friendship, with regular phone calls.
    Im 23 years old, male.
    My phone number is +491723084128!!

    kind regards,
  16. DuvetDave

    DuvetDave Fapstronaut

    Have you heard the expression that 'there is more happiness in giving'?
    Sometimes doing things that benefit other people can make a person feel better about themselves. It also has the effect of taking our mind off of our own lives and can even help us to see that some people have it even worse than we do.
    Are there any volunteer opportunities near you to get you started?
  17. This is your depression talking. No one actually wants to kill themselves. Your mind is cloudy. Overthinking is the worst thing to ever hit humanity. Its like poison. I actually tried yesterday. To kill myself. I think I realized something. Life is worth living after all. If you really feel like you are loosing control, call the emergencies. Miracles can happen when you finally get a break from yourself.
    Fullyawake likes this.
  18. And btw, addiction have a way of making you into a living dead. In the end its the only thing keeping you alive. Its your oxygen. You know deep down that you have to break free. It wont be easy. It will be complete hell actually. You may find yourself reconsidering your entire life at some point because the urges are too much to handle. Thats when you should keep pushing trough. Accept that it is going to be Hell. Keep walking. For every time you say no to the urges you are healing just a little bit. Happiness will slowly flow back into your life. Trust me. I have done this many times. Several 100+ day streaks. The only thing that remains is to make a permanent change.
    Fullyawake likes this.
  19. Hotscone!

    Hotscone! Fapstronaut

    Yo, the girl who dumped u, she probably has a dick, that’s why..
    Every time I get rejected, I think it’s because the girl has a dick..
    There are a lot of other fishes in the sea!
    Stay strong!
    crazybutconscious likes this.
  20. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    It’s hard. Very hard. I’m going through a depression right now, and I’ve had all the usual thoughts. I feel empty and without true purpose, going to work, not feeling fulfilled or happy. The year is coming to an end and that makes me feel worse, knowing people are going to be together with partners and loving life.

    But then I think of the gains I have made this year. I have lost a ton of weight to the point I probably need to eat more. I exercise a lot and I am fit. I’ve saved a good amount of money. So here’s the thing: the past is gone, so I have no option but to look forward to 2020. I’m going to keep with my fitness and nofap, and keep looking for a partner.

    Depression hurts so much because it’s a real emotion - it reveals a truth. But if we keep going, we can get to the end eventually. Imagine that day when you are happy, and have what you’re longing for. I am absolutely sure the hurt would vanish, and we’d be grateful for persevering.