Reboot completed long ago. Now its NoFap Mind Mode

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. Deat fellow fapstranauts,

    I have returned to NoFap after finishing Hard Mode and then Monk Mode.
    Then I left NoFap thinking that I fulfilled my purpose. Far gone are the days when PMO was an issue.
    However now I came back because I hope to deal with sexual desire at the level of the mind. I am convinced that if I let go of all sexual thoughts at the level of the mind then eventually all sexual desire will drop off just like leaves on a tree during autumn.

    Therefore I decided to go Mind Mode - to do at least 90 days without a single sexual thought occupying the mind.

    The reason for all of this is because I wish to achieve celibacy not just only at the level of body but also at the level of the mind.

    Wish me luck and I would like to hear from anyone who has done NoFap Mind Mode or completed Mind Mode.
    Swift Escape likes this.
  2. Swift Escape

    Swift Escape Fapstronaut

    It's certainly ambitious- I wish you well, and am eager to see progress.
    Kiribertie Fandango likes this.
  3. Thanks. Some months ago I deleted my NoFap account as I felt I accomolished the goal of overcoming PMO. But later I felt thrre was something missing. I am aware of the neuroplasticity and the other aspects of neuroscience behind abstinence from PMO. But lets say if we used the same principle to abstain from all sexual thoughts then does this mean we reach a point where we find it a chore to push our minds to have sexual thoughts? I do wish to overcome all forms of sexual desire but also I wish to use my streak as an experiement.

    Realistically speaking, I would expect several resets before getting a successful streak as it is challenging to catch oneself developing sexual thoughts.
    Swift Escape likes this.