Relapse. Again.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Nobodyspecial, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Nobodyspecial

    Nobodyspecial Fapstronaut

    Am I a bad person? Because I feel like a bad person. I feel disgusting sometimes. I'd liked to believe I was in control of me and not the other way around. I mean, it's not controlling my life or anything, but it's upsetting to me.

    Do you have any inspiration?
    What do I do from here?
  2. Sean5555

    Sean5555 Fapstronaut

    No, you're definitely not a bad person. You're human, and we all have a mountain to climb.

    I'm right there with you. I ALMOST relapsed a couple minuted ago- I'm on day 5 and started looking at pictures. Stopped it, soon after. The cool thing is when you're working on NoFap, porn gets less and less desirable over time. It doesn't have the greatness that it once did in your life.

    Just do your best. That's all you really can do.
  3. Nobodyspecial

    Nobodyspecial Fapstronaut

    @Sean5555 Thank you for your reply. It helps to remember that I am not alone in this feat. I'm not on hard mode (tried that...) but I am not allowed to look at P. I just don't want to go down that path because I know how it works. You start off with mild stuff and that stuff no longer does it for you and you work your way up a terrible ladder of perversion (not judging anyone here, though- this is all in my personal opinion). I'm Christian and I'm always wondering what the right thing is. So thanks for taking the time to reply. I'm not going to give up. Props to you for being stronger than I.
  4. Zyzz's Witnesses

    Zyzz's Witnesses Fapstronaut

    I also have fallen today on day 13 but whatever its like 2 weeks without PMO so fixes has been made so i don't mind i will actually come back with more power next time :p
  5. napionder

    napionder Fapstronaut

    You're not a bad person. You're just facing a challenge. If it was easy it wouldn't be a challenge and this forum wouldn't exist. Look at the number of people in this forum. You're not the only one dealing with this, your're not abnormal and you're not a bad person.
    I've relapsed countless times this past year. Now i'm on a pretty good streak, getting close to my 'record'(just 2 more days ;) ). This time it feels different because I actually took the time to read up on what's going on inside of my brain due to this pmo addiction. It has helped me understand what I'm doing and what I'm doing it for, in a way it motivates me.
    When I'm having a tough moment I come here and read the success stories. Reading about the progress others are making and how it affects their lives gives me enough power to not give in to my urges.
    I also have some dumbbells laying around. When I feel down or feel urges coming up, I pick em up and do some exercises. Even if its only for a couple of minutes, that's more than enough to make the urges go away.

    Don't give up, man. You only have two options: a life of porn addiction and not being able to enjoy sex, or even worse, not being able to have sex because of ED. This will most likely affect your relationships and leave you feeling depressed and lonely. The other option is to keep trying and get up every time you fall. This is the only way to get the life you want.
  6. Nobodyspecial

    Nobodyspecial Fapstronaut

    @napionder: Thanks so much for your inspiring testimony. I need to follow in your footsteps. (I'm a woman, by the way). Maybe I'll try the exercise thing. It sounds like a great plan to discover truly why I'm doing this and what I want to be.
  7. napionder

    napionder Fapstronaut

    @Nobodyspecial. That's great! And being a woman gives you an advantage, you won't have to deal with a malfunctioning penis :)
  8. NoFapAsian

    NoFapAsian Fapstronaut

    hey buddy you need a replacement activity. Anytime you want to fap, turn to that activity. It has to be something relaxing and better than fapping. Maybe a computer game or a tv show. Just don't fap. Don't touch your penis. Good luck, I'm in no position to talk at the moment, but I should be back on a streak soon.
  9. Nobodyspecial

    Nobodyspecial Fapstronaut

    @nofapasian: Well that shouldn't be too hard seeing I do not possess a penis, haha. I've always wondered what that'd be like, though... Also, my challenge is no P. M is fine at the moment. After all, I am 21 (will be in seven days, anyway) and abstinent.