Relapse and Panic Attacks


NoFap Defender
Do you guys get Panic Attacks a few hours or days or weeks after your relapse?
I feel like after my relapse, I mentally feel so weak. I feel like I am not able to fight people, I feel like I am verbally closed off. Like when people say stuff to me, I cant even respond. But I notice maybe when I am on a good streak, I can talk back. I tend to have more energy. I am happier. Since the relapse, I am more jumpy, and stupid thing set me off. I also feel super tired like all the time. I have a deep sense of hopelessness, and I don't feel like doing anything. I feel like everything is just a repetition of yesterday. In other words, I think these relapses, indirectly, and slowly make me depressed. I am literally listing the symptoms of depression. Last night I even thought of ways to kill myself. I am going to have to keep a daily journal from now on. Just to be able to track myself before a relapse, vs after a relapse.
It sounds like your relapses are sending you back into the previous stage of healing. Panic attacks and the depressive moods you are mentioning are common in flatlining and PAWS, and they may occur even in withdrawal stage. It also means your healing is far from being over, if one relapse sets you back this much.

You got this, stranger. Just keep fighting and eventually these feelings will go away.