Relapsed after 20 days

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, May 23, 2018.

  1. I just relapsed after 20 days (my longest streak ever) and it does not feel good. Take it from me, do not give in. I am so bummed out that after all that progress i have to start back at day 1. Im still gonna do it though and before i know it ill be back at day 20, but ill always know that it could have been day 40 if i hadnt failed.
    DfarmC and Deleted Account like this.
  2. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    Everybody has different ideas and different approaches, I've decided to take one day at a time, regardless of perceived success. Each sober day for me is a blessing.
  3. I know the feeling.......I quit nofap and joined again after one month gap.
    This time I am going to go all the way. One day at a time. My previous best was 30 days
  4. outwithold

    outwithold Fapstronaut

    I've changed my approach to many things, for instances exercise.. I would be constantly timing myself whilst running and would end up not really enjoying my exercise unless I beat my times or ran further..

    Now I don't focus on that anywhere near as much, I just go and do my run and enjoy the fact of less pressure whilst doing it,
    Phew such a relief and i actual truly feel a greater sense of being from my run.
  5. Alright, day 0 together. Lets do this thing and be free once and for all.
    Deleted Account likes this.

  6. Yeah, that makes sense. Just do it and dont think about it. I used to think that way, but i kind of strayed into focusing too hard on days. If you just live and enjoy each day, the days will rack up on their own
  7. Okay let's see if we have what it takes to be a warrior or not!
    How many days do you want me to aim for?
  8. Honestly i dont have a specific goal yet. I just want to stop. But for now we can do 30.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Okay, done! My counter begins at 12 AM on 24th May from day zero.
  10. I plan on starting mine now, no point in wasting the day. But if you want to wait for yours, thats all good.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. It's okay! Bring it on...
  12. switex

    switex Fapstronaut

    Don't worry my streak was 21 days and im back at 29 days. Well most of us relapsed and manage to get up again so you can do the same bro !
  13. Thanks for the encouragement and congrats on 30 days.
    Deleted Account and switex like this.
  14. Theworthywait

    Theworthywait Fapstronaut

    Hey it's the new lifestyle that is the most important here. Fuck the numbers man, you are still on your way to become a healthier, better you and that is the most important thing of all. Keep fighting and eventually you will get there, majority of people clearly relapses so it's almost like it's a natural thing to do. Just keep focusing on the goal. Good luck :)
  15. DfarmC

    DfarmC Fapstronaut

    I can totally relate. I just started with NoFap and am struggling to create a rhythm of success. This porn habit dates back too many years. I'm proud of you for coming to the site and letting us in on this. You can restart this and do better! And, you've got this relapse (not failure) to keep you reminded of what really matters (health, happiness, fulfillment, etc.). Start over and know that I'm with you in this.