Relapsed...but I feel hyped up

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by PathOfReform, Jan 14, 2019.

  1. PathOfReform

    PathOfReform Fapstronaut

    Ever since I broke my first strea that was 27 days on the 3th-4rd of December, I've been struggling VERY HARD to keep up a normal streak. Unfortunately for me, that's because when I broke my streak I broke it Oing to transwoman porn for the very first time...and that was me diving right into the abyss head first.

    The longest streak I managed since then was a week, and I broke it a couple of days ago...

    Today, although, I felt angered and disgusted, I did feel some positivity, because right after I told myself once again(for the 100th time, though)NO MORE. But I then felt hyped up, as if this time I just now I'm going to make it, as if this time this is really it. I did not have it in my last few relapses, I just felt terrible and hopeless, trying to forcefully convince myself I'mma be alright, but this time this surge of somewhat positivity came up all of a sudden, I still feel crappy about it but I feel like "cheer the fuck up, it's over and this time it's for real".

    This sucks so much, because once I broke my first streak, I dove into a huge, disgusting and dehumanizing, but unfortunately vast world of transwoman porn. And you feel like you need to keep this up until it burns out and you get bored of it, because there's so much "unseen" shapes and forms of it "to discover". Ew.

    Do you guys have any tips to help me avoid a relapse? And any recommendations on a porn blocke for the phone? I'm an Android user. Since it's blocked on my PC my phone is my last resort.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
  2. Itsmeagain

    Itsmeagain Fapstronaut

    Please try to keep the triggering words off the forum as some people get influenced by it. You hit the nail on the head tho. It doesn't matter what you were watching, because you will get bored of it, consciously or not, and you will end up looking fort another rabbit hole. Funny how I stumbled on that type of vids in december. Maybe a bit of voyeurism mixed with a thirst for novelty. Yes you feel dirty, then you get used to it. And then you find something else that is "interesting", yet dirty.
    Hey, there is P movies involving clowns....and there has to be people interested in that. Browsing P is one of the worse offender in terms of time wasted. The sites seem to have an endless amount of content.
    Meep and PathOfReform like this.
  3. Sounds like you've learned something during each of your streaks, as well as your setbacks. This I believe is progress. At some point, something very deep down clicks and you just say "Enough." No matter how far we've fallen, there is always the possibility of turning it around. You can do it buddy.

    As for tips the best one I can give is to learn to stop the P-enabling thoughts right away as soon as they pop up. Just refuse to let them escalate into fantasizing, or worse, searching for P. Just realize you have a choice in that moment, and 100% make a choice to do something else, whatever it is, be it doing a crossword puzzle, taking a walk, calling a friend, reading a book, making a sandwich - whatever it takes to break free of that moment, so that the urges will pass, and you can add another day to your streak.
    PathOfReform likes this.
  4. Itsmeagain

    Itsmeagain Fapstronaut

    @chiyu ,

    My worse issue is not the P. It is that when I reboot I become sour and don't appreciate what I have. A wonderful and fine woman that is just not willing to change much of anything or deviate from her comfort zone. That definitely pushed me towards P. Looking for at least a little novelty.
    Instead, I suffer from PIED right now, as the stimuli of the real deal is not enough right now. It will go away eventually, I'm confident, but the wifey is not impressed by me in that regard.
  5. I have a useful tip for urges, it works wonders for me. Male addicts view women as 'meat', especially the chest. Sure, it's normal to be attracted to them, but dehumanising them is not. Here's what you should do:
    Imagine a row of buckets in front of you and the girl you are thinking of sexually. Imagine taking her outerwear, and putting it into a bucket, then her innerwear, then rip off her skin, then her muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, each one getting a bucket. Slowly you deconstruct her body. Do it to her fat, her organs; those round, juicy eyeballs, imagine all the blood, sweat, tears, urine and feces and put them into a bucket. You don't have to literally count the buckets, but try visualing the different parts. Focus on the buckets that disgust you more intently. Try looking at the breast fat now, with that red blood sureounding it, squishy, unfirm, or whatever else that's repulsive. I got this tip from a succesful fapstronaut. It rewires an over sexually-conditioned porn addict to respect women, as you visualise the horrific 'meat' girl. I'm not married, but according to that guy, he tried it on many women, till he did it on his wife. Since then, he's never wanted to see her wife as other than her ownself. Do this when you have bad thoughts, and on porn videos.

    Whenever I did this, I felt a sort of chill, but it's not like intense or anything. But it's enough to work, sometimes I'd find my mouth open without realising it. Definitely give it a try, especially since you need massive rewiring to escape PIED like me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2019
    Mordobarn likes this.
  6. I recommend watching a few of this guy's videos.
    Whenever I finish, I get a sense of gratification for what I have, and what those people don't have. It makes you think more about your own journey. I don't know why this particular channel, but he seems to be both intimidating and satisfying to listen to, a good mix of qualities in my opinion. It forces you to think about the meaning of your own life.
  7. Clarke

    Clarke Fapstronaut

    Avoid triggers to begin with. Wear a rubber band on your wrist and whenever you get a thought like "hmm it'd sure be great to watch some porn right now" snap it on your wrist so you begin to associate thoughts if masterbaiting with a negative stimuli. And if you feel like you're going to fail, fail with a less extreme category. After enough time abstaining even vanilla porn can seem novel and it'd be much better to break a streak on vanilla heterosexual porn than transwoman porn.

    His post was fine. If you can't handle mearly reading the word "transwoman" you're never gonna make it.

    This is repulsive and you should feel ashamed for posting it in every single thread. You have serious psychological problems if you think that is healthy good advice for someone who likes to glance at a nice pair of tiddies from time to time. Just because being on one extreme and pmoing daily is bad for you doesn't mean that the opposite extreme is by default good. Try simply having a modicum of self control and you won't have to fantasize about eviserating women.
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  8. Itsmeagain

    Itsmeagain Fapstronaut

    Last time I was on here, the admins were big on editing for "triggering".
  9. Look, Clarke, I post it in threads because it actually works; maybe not for you, but I've had Fapstronauts telling me it worked in private conversations. If I feel that it's good advice; each and everyone entitled to their own opinions on this site, why should I feel ashamed by copy pasting it? Do you expect me to retype it over and over again? I'm also not the inventor of this technique, I've got it from another Fapstronaut (don't ask me to link because I don't remember) who's two years in at the time. Do I have psychological problems? Yes, it's called PMO ADDICTION! I don't know about you, but I'm constantly in a school environment, where it requires active participation from students in the class, especially me being a top performer academically in my form; it's known as 21st century learning. It's not a desk job environment, where you'd go for meetings, complete paperwork and talk to the occasional women in the office. I'm constantly socialising, added with the fact that I'm a prefect at school, so don't expect my mind to accept beautiful as just beautiful, to just respect women. My mind is messed up. If that's the case, of course I need something considered 'extreme'. Cold turkey is quite 'extreme'. Why don't you give advice like this: In the first week, masturbate 3 times a day, decrease by one session the each following week. But you don't, that kind of passive participation doesn't work, you'll only end up sticking to the 3 times a day routine forever. What do you mean by it not being morally wrong? If it's gonna make me stop thinking about women as sex objects and walking meat, something I'm sure that a lot of people feel, than heck yeah I'll do it. Maybe you haven't tried it and are sceptical. One Fapstronaut asked me if he was having sex with a girl in the future, what if he went 'decompile' mode; it would completely throw him off. That's not at all how it works. If you try it yourself, you wouldn't go around seeing women as 'decompiled' monsters. I'd keep it at the back of my head, ready for it to be used when all else fails; when all I'm thinking about is sex and can't focus. Have you read my story? I do it to teachers (not unusual actually) and female friends, of course I've got to keep up with a conversation. If you've read my journal/story thread, you'd know I'd avoid women if I have no use to be around them as I'm still a teenage school student who isn't ready for a relationship, and a more recent post of mine stated me as to being less nervous due to NoFap. You'd expect to use this technique every thirty minutes or so, whenever I see a sexy girl, but no, I'd used to do it on average ONCE every three days. In line with the changes I've just stated, I went the whole last week doing it just twice, an improvement from thrice the week before. The reason why my use is minimal is because in short, I don't depend solely on that. I'm sane, please. Read my daily schedule posts, I try to stick to my keystone habits everyday. I'm not some caveman nut relying solely on this. If you've read it till the end, I'd just want you to know, I'm not angry, rather it's an explanation rant. If you told me off for using trigger words, then I'd accept it. Maybe I should have posted my other writings as well alongside the technique every single time, because if I don't, those Fapstronauts out there will probably be thinking I'm a nut as aforementioned. Anyways, all the best to you and good luck on your journey, Clarke. Go ahead if you find more things about me to criticise on, that's perfectly okay, I'm not an infallible being. But a word of advice, don't insult when you're giving advice. Rather than just inquiring why I'd do such a thing, you'd blatantly accused me of being mentally distressed even though someone sensible like you of all people should be the ones who keep things under control by adhering to online etiquette. I'm a human being with feelings who admitted my wrongs above, now, would you?

    I'm sorry Clarke and to all the Fapstronauts I may have wronged. Tell me what I'm wrong for by replying to me or messaging me on NoFap.
    boichy likes this.
  10. Clarke

    Clarke Fapstronaut

    I'm not going to argue with you. Go talk to a counselor. Being aroused by beautiful women is not a bad thing. Its basic biology.
  11. Not when you're thinking of banging a woman till you demoralise them even further than normal. And, didn't I tell you this doensn't happen in real life situations like 24/7? I don't know your true feelings behind a screen, but you sound cold. I'm trying to present you some things about myself, and you dismiss every single one of them with a few lines. This is the Internet. Having real conversations with best friends (deep talks) are way better, and that is inevitable, but at least try. Maybe I'm emotional right now; well, I did just lose a friend of mine in an accident so bear with me, thank you, Clarke.
  12. boichywow

    boichywow Fapstronaut

    Preach @Kurzgesagt! I fully support your methods; they allow for an escape from lust and things which detain us, shackling us, to our screens. What is nofap for? to overcome such addictions. I can argue that being aroused is a limiting factor where you lose control over your own actions. I hope you can get better emotionally, strong emotions tend to act as a PMO cue so I recommend meditating over your loss. I won't lie and say i'm sorry, but deep down inside, I am.
  13. Thanks, prettyboichad. Each person has their own challenges, so I probably can't expect Clarke to relate to all that I have said, or anyone. But we do have common grounds. Your spreadsheets are interesting by the way.
  14. boichywow

    boichywow Fapstronaut

    Thank you for acknowledging that! I am using Darxidius' spreadsheet which has been helping to make progress. "If you can't measure it, you can't improve." - wise man
  15. Itsmeagain

    Itsmeagain Fapstronaut

    This is definitively weird shit. I think IU kinda understand what you are doing here. You are looking at worse that you, feel not so bad after all, which is most likely true. These videos somehow cater to the voyeur. Just like those weird shows on TLC (my 600 pounds life, Dr.Pimple Popper, my strange addiction, 90 days wedding whatever, sister wives, etc). People are curious. Its weird and somehow its attracting viewers. Porn will lure you in some dark alleys sometimes and you may see stuff that you didnt look for....
    boichy likes this.
  16. I love Science, I'm a nerd and my parents are doctors, so it isn't that weird as I've been exposed to this kind of knowledge since I was young. Also, thinking about people worse of than myself does help, it makes grateful for what I have, and motivates me to become better because I have the means to do so, unlike the refugees out there who don't have access to some basic resources. I have the means to build muscle, I have the means to seek help and many more things in life that I take for granted for. The thing is, chubbyemu is just one of those stand-out videos that really make me think more than some other videos, it's kinda like PBS Space Time (highly recommended) which makes me appreciate the workings of this complex Universe even more, way more.
    Itsmeagain likes this.