Scheduled Downtime next Friday - We're changing forum softwares! BIG CHANGE

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Administrator Account, Mar 22, 2015.

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  1. Dorian Gray

    Dorian Gray Fapstronaut

    siiiick we get a live chat room!!! woooooooo!
  2. vBulletin is slowly dying. I don't want to spend time customizing software that is being phased out by most websites, and the most current versions are full of bugs and security loopholes which I don't want to deal with (and puts the users at risk). Development in vBulletin just doesn't have a bright future.

    xenForo's user interface is a bit different, and I agree it could use some work, and over time I intend to customize it to be more user-friendly than the stock installation. xenForo has the largest amount of 3rd party development going on (more than Invision Power Board), and I think that over time we'll be able to heavily customize it to suit our specific needs. I promise I'll make it as awesome as possible.

    Yes, we need more mods. My ultimate goal is for people to no longer need NoFap anymore because they are off living awesome PMO-free lives. If PMO is truly a part of the past, many people choose to leave NoFap behind, and I am completely happy about that. That makes it hard to find people to stick around and fulfill moderation duties for long periods of time, because some people feel like actually being on NoFap is detrimental to the recovery process past a certain period of time.

    I'll be posting a thread for moderator applications very soon, thanks for asking.
  3. This won't be happening STRAIGHT AWAY because our servers can't handle it, and we need to work on making the stock forum as awesome as possible. But once that is all done, I'll be introducing it. ETA: maybe a month or two?
  4. MadHatter

    MadHatter Fapstronaut


    Your work here is amazing. Helping people in need is truly one the most important and noble things one can do.

    You have my deepest thanks and great appreciation.

  5. OnTrack

    OnTrack Fapstronaut

    Thanks for all your efforts Alex. Much appreciated!
  6. BeginningOfNewLife

    BeginningOfNewLife Fapstronaut

    You are the great person, Alex. What you are doing for NoFap and to help people for PMO free life is really awesome. Hats off man!!! I really appreciate what you have done and what you are doing!! :) Eager to see new forum!! yay :)
  7. endofolding

    endofolding Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for taking care of this forum!
  8. universesu

    universesu Fapstronaut

    Thank you, Alexander. Really appreciate what you have done for us. This site means a lot after I decide to overcome this kind of addiction. Be good, man!
  9. Schia

    Schia Fapstronaut

    Great stuff, Alex! Not every site cares about its users in such a way that they give advance warnings, and it seems such a quick turn around from the site not working last week. Hopefully it means that more and more people can be helped. Thank you, and keep it up!
  10. All the best! Take your time with it! Your goal of four hours seems to be a little tight !!
  11. whoami33

    whoami33 Fapstronaut

  12. Something really stupid, which was my fault. I gave the company helping me do this conversion the wrong password to the database accidentally, so they postponed the job. Hoping they'll be able to re-attempt tonight, and I'll make an announcement once I know a definite time.
  13. OK, sorry for any inconvenience, it is happening tonight instead!

    Update: here is a new thread. Reposting announcement.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
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