Sex Addicts Anonymous Meeting ?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Tombuktu, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. coolmike87

    coolmike87 Fapstronaut

    I'm in AA. Even though it is not SA, I still think the 12 steps are a HUGE help. I think your on the right track with the meetings. If you want to make yourself a better person, keep going.
  2. Tombuktu

    Tombuktu Fapstronaut

    Thanks my friend. I am currently reading AA's 12 steps and 12 traditions which is proving very helpful indeed. The 12 steps meetings are very refreshing and it is great just to be with other human beings and share without hiding behind www :cool: Will aim to go to tonight's meeting and another one tomorrow before I decide on the programme.
  3. Tombuktu

    Tombuktu Fapstronaut

    Sex Addicts Anonymous: Meeting 5

    Having missed the meeting on Wednesday I was very keep to attend the Thursday one. It took me quite longer to get there as the meeting is a different part of the city. Getting there from the station turned out to be quite difficult as my Google satnav played games. So, I ended arriving about 10 minutes late. Still, it was great to be there.

    This was a men's only meeting and there about 22 of us there, from different age groups, cultural and social backgrounds. The room was quite small and we were cramped in there without a fan and aircon. But it was okay, we were there for a great cause and the physical conditions did not matter.

    The format of the meeting was also different from the previous ones in that we went around the circle and shared while in others it is only the person who wants to share who will raise up their hand.

    I felt free to share about myself, my day and how I was feeling. I also got a clap and a hug for my 14 days sobriety and felt quite good about myself. I trust that someone else was encouraged. There were 3 of us newer people at the meeting, with the other two in their first and me on my fifth. Although I have not yet decided to officially join the programme yet, I found myself encouraging one of the new comers to come back and commit himself to it. Because it works! Bought a few more books and now own almost every literature there is from the SAA desk.

    I went home feeling better. I was quite concerned as the urges were quite strong and the withdrawal symptoms were oppressive. But thanks to the meeting I was able to manage them and another fully clean day.
    I have one more meeting as a new comer before I decide whether this is for me or not. I think I have already decided. This is for me. I need this 12 steps spiritual programme to defeat my sex addiction (compulsive porn, compulsive masturbation and fantasies mostly). :cool:
  4. Tombuktu

    Tombuktu Fapstronaut

    Sex Addicts Anonymous: Meeting 6
    This is it, my sixth meeting before I am no longer considered a new comer. Due to poor planning I got to the meeting 15 minutes late and arrived just towards the end of the introductions. Gratefully there was still time for me to introduce myself. Again with no hesitation: "Hi, my name is Tombuktu and I am a sex addict..." No shame, no pride. I knew that I was accepted and that no one there will blame me or look down on me.

    The meeting was small and cosy. There were about 14 of us guys and we had a new comer, a young man in his early 20's fresh from university. The sharing was again very good, open, honest and there was a lots of compassion in the room.

    I have decided finally that I am going to join the programme and publicly announced to everyone that I am in need of a temporary sponsor. It will be great to get one as soon as possible so that I can begin to do the work. Next week I will be on a hunt for a good sponsor :cool:
  5. Tombuktu

    Tombuktu Fapstronaut

    Sex Addicts Anonymous: Meeting 7

    I went to my seventh meeting yesterday this time as a member and no longer as a guest. I was visiting a different fellowship of which I heard many good things about. This time there was no longer a sense of shyness or hesitation from my part. I walked in with confidence as if it was my own house and found myself very outgoing in greeting people and introducing myself.

    I got to do a reading during the meeting, the normal intro and the sharing. That meant that I had to introduce myself 3 times: "Hi, my name is Tombuktu and I am sex main issues include compulsive pmo, fantasies, objectifying of women....".

    It was great to be there since I was quite worried about a relapse yesterday. Being with other people that share similar addictions and struggles was very uplifting and there was such love in the room.

    The meeting was small and cosy. Although mixed there were only guys there and about 18 of us. One guy did the main sharing and recounted a very moving story of his struggles and it was a very emotional moment for everyone in the room. It was good to see what the recovery was doing for him and his loved ones.

    I took down a few phone numbers of people so that I can reach out to them if I need help.

    I also approached a guy and asked him to consider being my temporary sponsor. He hasn't accepted yet but he is thinking about it. I hope that he accepts so that I can get on my way with the programme.

    Am reading the Sex Addicts Anonymous green book and reached a place where I became very emotional and raw. It is the chapter that talks about making an inventory of people we have hurt through our addiction and acting out. That really scarred me a lot to even think of that as I didn't want to resurrect painful memories. However, that will need to happen for the healing and recovery to happen.

    I am glad I am part of Sex Addicts Anonymous. I am glad that I am not just doing a fun nofap challenge for few weeks or a reboot. I am in this for life and I want to change not just my behaviour but the way I do life. I am glad that I can talk to other human beings face to face and admit that I am a Sex Addict, powerless on my own and need the help of the Higher Power and other human being to deal with this disease.

    I am going to take this day once again slowly, one day at a time and fight to be sober in both actions and thinking :cool::cool:

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference
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