I am 23 years old and i have never been an avid porn watcher. Just ocasionally but from when i was 12 till now i masteubate at least 2 times a day.
Now sometimes when i have sex i go soft when changing positions and my erections are like 75%. Are there more people who have had this?
Currently im on day 3 of no pmo and i plan to have sex around day 14. Like every 2 weeks i will have sex.
Can masrubating alot also cause this? I ussualy use my fantasy when i mastrubate. What i also noticed is that a few years ago i could easily go for a second round whitin an hour but now its get soft during sex amd changing positions.
Is there anyone with advise and succes stories. I want my rock hard erctions back.
I am 23 years old and i have never been an avid porn watcher. Just ocasionally but from when i was 12 till now i masteubate at least 2 times a day.
Now sometimes when i have sex i go soft when changing positions and my erections are like 75%. Are there more people who have had this?
Currently im on day 3 of no pmo and i plan to have sex around day 14. Like every 2 weeks i will have sex.
Can masrubating alot also cause this? I ussualy use my fantasy when i mastrubate. What i also noticed is that a few years ago i could easily go for a second round whitin an hour but now its get soft during sex amd changing positions.
Is there anyone with advise and succes stories. I want my rock hard erctions back.