The Choice...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Muchofmyservice, Mar 26, 2024.

  1. Muchofmyservice

    Muchofmyservice New Fapstronaut

    I have been involved with pornography addictively for over 30 years. For about 2 years less than my addiction I was masterbating about the ttime Ihit puberty. Shortly after puberty hit I was abused sexually by a male babysitter who was the son of a friend of my father's. After the abuse my morals were skewed and I started to act out sexually trying not understanding what Iwas doing was evil, selfish and wrong! If you have been involved and are still involved in this addictive game and habit the eventual conclusion is one of three...1. Spiritual DEATH (you breathe your last and split hell wide open. 2. You commit a crime whether you know it or not the worst is to find out you had porn that was illegal or you in your addiction sexually act out and commit a sexual assault or rape. 3. You leave the addiction and seek help on an app like this and join the fight! You can fight and with the help of your friends and family. Also wanting to follow Jesus you can overcome this issue but when you do don't sit on the fence because you are either trying and actually taking actions to get free or you are not so take a look at yourself and decide are you YOU with me or are you just fronting? This is your choice choose which one you will serve good or evil?
    FocusIsLove likes this.
  2. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the site Brother. Very sorry to hear you had such a traumatic event happen to you in your youth. It's sick to hear, and my heart goes out to you. Living life with that in your memory could not have been easy. Yes, God gives us all the choice to walk on the path of healing or the path of vanity(uselessness, or worse). Every moment we have a choice; here's to making the right one's!
    Gladwell1 likes this.